Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Data Science vs Machine Learning

At its core, Data science is the field of study of data. Its aims are to use a scientific approach to extract meaningful insight from data. On the other hand, Machine learning refers to a group of techniques that data scientists use to allow computers to learn from data.

Nowadays many companies use modern technologies such as Artificial intelligence, Machine learning, Data Science, Big Data, Deep Learning and many more. The popularity of these technologies is continuously rising. Many companies required professionals in Data science and machine learning and these technologies are high on demand for their business growth. and many job openings are there in MNCs companies.

However, It seems like there are so many misconceptions among people regarding these technologies. This post will help you to get the exact figure of these two technologies where you get to know the detailed information about it.

What is Data Science?

Data science is the study of Data that involves the development of recording, storing and analyzing data to extract the knowledge. It includes programming skills, Expertise in Domain and mathematical & statistical knowledge to exact the meaningful insight from data. The Data is used by Data Scientist to understand your behavior and push you into retargeted advertisements and deal to get you to purchase what you browsed. Data science is also related to Data mining and Big data and it uses technologies such as machine learning and artificial intelligence to extract meaningful information of data and predict future patterns and behavior.

What is the Benefit of Data Science in Business?

  • Reduce the chances of Risk and Fraud. Data scientists are trained to identify the data and create a statistical, network path and big data methodology to predict the fraud propensity models and help in recognize the unusual data.
  • Data science helps to deliver the right product at the right time and help companies to develop new products to meet their customer’s need.
  • The ability for sales and marketing teams to understand their audience needs and pushed them into retargeted advertisements. With this, they can create the best possible customer experience.
  • It helps in decision making, By using of existing data, Data scientist create models that simulate a variety of potential actions- In this way, an organization can able to learn that which path will bring the best business outcomes.
Skills required to become a Data Scientist

If anyone wants to build a strong career in this field they have to gain critical skills in three departments: Analytics, Programming and domain knowledge. The following skills will help you to increase your level in Data Science.
  • Knowledge of advanced machine learning (Deep Learning)
  • Strong knowledge of Python, R, SQL Database.
  • Understanding of statistics and statistical programming
  • Data-driven problem solving
  • Good Hands-on knowledge of data visualization.

What is Machine learning?

Machine learning is the aspect of artificial intelligence, mathematics & statistics that allow the system to learn automatically. It is a group of techniques that data scientists use to allow the computer to learn from data. It uses an algorithm to set mathematical rules for data learning and it depends on the quality and quantity of data sets for effectiveness. Machine learning great in solving problems that are extremely labor-intensive for humans. It allows the system to find the various type of hidden insight and make a prediction about complex topics in an efficient way. 

What is the Benefit of Machine learning in Business?

  • Machine learning algorithms help the business to take the correct decisions.
  • Help in the detection of spam
  • Enhance cybersecurity and network performance and helps in solving the big cybersecurity issues and improve the organization’s security.  
  • It analyzes the purchase history of customers and based on this it suggests the products to the customer and enhance the company’s sale.
  • Help in eliminates manual data entry.

Skills required to become a Machine learning Expert

If you want to boost up your career in Machine learning and want to become a machine learning expert then there are following skills that will help you to increase your level in machine learning.
  • Expertise in Computer science fundamentals.
  • Depth knowledge of programming skills
  • Good knowledge of probability and statistics
  • Having explicit knowledge of data modeling concepts.
  • Software engineering and system design 
If you want to explore detailed information about Data Science and Machine learning and want to get a job in MNCs companies with a high salary package then join “Nearlearn”.

Nearlearn is the top leading Machine Learning training institute in Bangalore where you get classes at affordable prices as compared to other institutes. We provide trainers having 10+ years of industry experience in relevant skills. We trained our students from basic level to a high level and give placements support in various companies. Nearlearn provides both classroom training and online training facility and trained our students on live projects. If you want to take an in-depth knowledge of machine learning and data science then Nearlearn is the best Institute.

Friday, February 14, 2020

Top 8 ways in which Machine Learning Can help your Business

Machine learning is the most important technology for Business rising in recent decades. This helps to strengthen the market and enhance business operations for companies. By using this technology, companies earn better & improve the sales process. Machine Learning is driven mainly by modern computing technology.

Machine Learning is the aspect of artificial intelligence, mathematics & statistics that automatically allows systems to learn. It is a tool that allows a machine to learn from the vast quantity of knowledge i.e. Big Data Machine learning algorithms learn from iterative data and allow the system to find various types of hidden insights without programming for them. It uses algorithms to set mathematical rules for learning from data, and for effectiveness depends on the quality and quantity of datasets. This allows businessmen to do more of the things they've committed to the market on time. The algorithms imitate human learning abilities which, through this experience, help the systems automatically develop and yield accurate output based on new system input.
Below some Nearlearn professionals explain how Machine Learning can help grow your business.

1. Help in Real-Time Business Decision Making

Every business organization needs various information by analyzing data. The company has big data and extracting accurate information and making a decision from data is difficult. But Machine Learning algorithms help businesses to make the correct decision. It allows the organization to transform data into knowledge actionable intelligence. In Everyday business processes, this information can be integrated. These processes deal with changing market demands and business circumstances. Through this way business organizations taking advantage of machine learning & help stand ahead from the competitor.

2. Spam Detection

Spam detection is among Machine Learning's most challenging problems. Email providers formerly used rule-based strategies to weed out spam. Nonetheless, the Spam filter is now creating new rules with the aid of machine learning by using neural networks to remove spam emails. The neural network has global recognition of junk mail and phishing messages.
3. Eliminates Manual Data Entry

Nowadays companies faced many duplicates and unreliable data issues. This condition can be significantly improved by predictive modeling and machine learning algorithms and by eliminating any errors induced by manual data entry. Hence computers can conduct time-consuming data entry tasks and workers can use professional resources to perform a task to focus on other value-adding activities.

4. Product Recommendations
A lot of e-commerce websites today use machine learning algorithms to make product recommendations. Machine learning algorithms analyze the history of the customer's purchase and are based on the product that a customer is interested in. The algorithms also define the hidden pattern in the cluster between the objects, and group similar products. These products are then suggested to the customer and enhance the sale of the company.

5. Enhance Cyber Security and network performance
Machine Learning has solved big cybersecurity issues and is used to improve the organization's security. It helps track in-network activity abnormalities and completes these steps automatically. Machine learning helps next-generation companies to build new technologies, easily identifying unknown threats.

6. Improving Marketing strategy
Machine learning affects the market aspect significantly. A large amount of data can be churned in real-time to make it more relevant and usable. The data obtained through an analysis of the customer's actions and it used the company's marketing and sales approach involving both upselling and cross-selling.For retail companies, machine learning models equipped with image recognition software can be introduced to customers so that they can find the right product from the scanned inventory of thousand items.

7. Predict Customer Behaviour

Companies are using Machine Learning to anticipate the customer's actions and transform it into prescriptive insights to improve the customer base and maximize the best customer deal. Machine Learning is focused on browsing and purchasing behavior and helps companies anticipate consumer behavior, purchase trends, and help send best offers to individual customers.

8. Medical Prediction and Diagnosis

Machine Learning helped many healthcare organizations to improve the health of the patient and reduce the cost of healthcare by using superior diagnostic tools and effective treatment plans. In Healthcare, it is now used to make the almost perfect diagnosis, predict readmissions recommend medicines and identify the patient at high risks. This prediction and insights are drawn using patient records and data sets along with the symptoms they experience.

Nearlearn provides you the best Machine learning training in Bangalore at an affordable price as comapred to other training Institute.we trained our student from basic to advanced level and also discussed the benefits of Machine Learning. After completion of course we provide placements support to our students.If you want to explore your Knowledge in this machine learning field then Nearlearn is the best Institute.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Data Science Course Fee In Bangalore

What is Data Science

Simply we can understand that Data science is the study of Data. It involves the developing method of recording, storing and analyzing data to extract the Knowledge. It also includes Programming skills, Domain Expertise and Knowledge of mathematics and Statistics to exact meaningful insight from data. Data science related to Data mining and big data and it uses technologies such as machine learning and artificial intelligence to extract meaningful information and also to predict Future patterns and behaviors. The field of Data science is growing as technology advances and analyze the technique before becoming more Complicated. 

What type of Data Science Courses available in Bangalore:

Nowadays Many training institutes are available & they all provide different types of training Facilities & methods in Bangalore such as Online Training sessions & Classroom training Especially in Bangalore.

Online Training Facility: If you are well confident & self-motivated person and you have a basic idea about data science and you want to learn by yourself without any tutors, then a data science online course will be more beneficial for you. Here you can learn from this at home without visiting the coaching center. We provide an online Training facility was our main motive is to target more students where they can easily get their classes in Data Science.

Classroom Training Facility: If you are Fresher & you want to learn the basic concept of data Science and you want to learn laid a strong basis of descriptive doubts then you can better choose Classroom training Facility. In the Classroom, you will descriptive information from the tutor and you can ask your doubts directly from the tutor.

Benefits of Our Data Science Training:

  • Nearlearn Certification is accepted worldwide.
  • We have the best instructor & Trainer having 10+ years of Industry Experience.
  • Conduct Regular Online test & assessment
  • We provide both Classroom and Online Training Classes.
  • We also provide corporate & self-placed Training
  • Real-Time projects and Real-time case studies we will provide.
  • while Training we arranged an internship facility in our company or other companies where our students get practical knowledge about data science and explore more knowledge.
  • 100% Placement Support guarantee.
  • We have 100+ professional trainers
  • 40+ hours of Classroom training.
  • 24/7 Student Help support.

What is the Course fee of Data Science in Bangalore

Nowadays there is a number of courses which have high demand in the market & The course like Data Science, Machine Learning, Big Data, Blockchain, Deep Learning having high Value in the Market & if a student looking their a career in Data Science then Definitely Data Science is a good choice for them. There might be a lot of questions in your mind regarding the course i.e. What is Data Science?, Is there any future in Data science?, What is course Fee of Data science? Why should I learn the Data Science Course? and many more. your mind might be loaded with these questions but
You choose Data Science as a career then definitely you are on the right path. 

In Bangalore, there is a lot of institute having different course fee But our course fee of Nearlearn is Fully affordable and less as compared to other institutes. We are the Best training institute in Bangalore offering these courses at the lowest price around Rs.25000-30000 and this price even goes down during offer Periods. If you have ready to pay this amount then you will get the best training and facilities from this institute.
If you want to Become Data Science Expert and want to explore the deep knowledge of Data Science with the latest Topics and many more, you have ready to pay Rs.25000-30000. This price may be negotiable during offer periods. We also provide installment benefits to our Students and they can pay the course fee in installment also. 

Why Nearnlearn is the best institute for this course?

Near learn is the top best Data Science training institute in Bangalore, which is the reputed institute for providing data science training at an affordable price as compared to other training institutes.
We trained our students from basic to advance levels. After the completion, of course, we conduct an interview preparation session for the students where they build themself as Data Science Expert and easily crack the interview in MNCs companies and stand ahead in the crowd. We focus on each and every student and brush up their knowledge in the field of Data Science and also, give fully practical knowledge so that they will get to know deep knowledge about these things and send their Resume in various companies and arrange an interview for students until they get any Job. If you want to Explore your Knowledge in Data Science Course with affordable then Nearlearn is the best training institute in Bangalore.
For more course details you can contact our Career Counselor  

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