Monday, April 27, 2020

How AI can impact Mobile App Development and User Experience

As we can say changing is the Next step of development. Over the past decade, Mobile applications and user experienced have completely changed. Earlier we used a simple mobile application and now we all are using smartphones for multi-purpose tasks and giving us a much better user experience. There are so many technologies in the market that slowly and steadily changing everything and AI is one of these technologies.  

In the world of digital technology, AI has gained more popularity. Artificial Intelligence is used in almost every sector and improves the user experience and helps in enhancing the business. It’s all about thinking like humans and to assist in practical for commercial purposes. Digital Assistants like Google Home, Apple Siri and Alexa are the biggest examples of how AI can make smart digital intractions and user experience. 

Artificial Intelligence is the computer technology to make the machine as some aspect of human abilities such as capable of thinking, learning, objects, and speech recognization like we do because AI can adopt human reasoning and learn from the previous user experience and interactions.

Let us now see how AI can impact Mobile App Development and user Experience 

Self Learning AI Apps
Nowadays mobile apps become more complicated and significant with smart features and content.AI-powered tools work on the concept of learning by doing and efforts to correct errors.

AI technology plays a crucial role in the development of these self-learning applications. The tool uses various methods to solve a problem, the most satisfactory results and the corresponding methods are caught as a reference by the software for further usage. Thus the AI-driven tool functions in the trial and error and then perfect itself after some period of time.

Personalized user Experience
Now all digital applications depend on interface customization to keep engaged of the interested users. Mobile is already marketized as personalized for each user. AI record the user activity and then change their app or recommends to change according to user usage for a better experience. The users now expect applications to deliver a unique experience, either in terms of the user interface, content, usability, and useful features.   
AI uses algorithms based on user preferences and user interactions to recommend personalized products and content.  

Improving Application UX
The most significant things are enhancing audience engagement and AI helps the users to engage by analyzing their behaviors and purchasing pattern. It analyzed the user’s input data and behavior patterns to draw some insights so that it can be utilized to deliver higher customer engagement and user experience. Artificial Intelligence can also be used in relevant contexts by the chatbot to solve the specific user’s problems. Companies incorporated chatbots to provide better customer service to its users.

Boost automation while keeping human Inputs 
Artificial Intelligence helps people to make better decisions. AI minimizes the role of design factors and human rights in the analysis. The AI-powered gadgets and tools minimize the tasks that can be automated and performed without the need for human participation and provide the best result that can benefit humanity.

Context-Driven User Experience 
Mobile can sense your location but it doesn’t change the user experience to a large extent but Artificial Intelligence provides a more context-driven user experience. AI-Based algorithms help to recognize the user’s location as well as several key aspects can include individual user context better and provide recommendations cantered on the user. 
Only because of AI algorithms, Cab drivers have suggested the best ways to reach the location.

Mobile can connect better with users
AI analyzes large amounts of Data and Mobile apps can connect users on a deeper level. Mobile App store user information such as Behaviour, shopping pattern, and give users more control over themselves. Apple’s Siri and Alexa are already in the process of doing so.

Logical Reasoning For Automation 
Many Applications help users to solve real-life problems by insightful analyses and logical thinking. By implementing AI the logical reasoning on an app can integrate automation. If an app is designed to understand the issue and ways to solve them by logic then human involvement becomes virtually unnecessary.  
Incorporating Automation to perform several mobile tasks help developers deliver a smoother and a comfortable user experience. 

Intelligent and user-specific recommendations 
Once the app is launched, a lot of mobile apps fail to generate traffic and engagement on their app due to not being able to deliver a customized experience to the users. That’s why a lot of e-commerce stores consider user preferences and provide specific-recommendation get to benefit from increased sales and customer traffic.
Similarly, if you have a content-focused app, you can your send users specific recommendations and type of product according to their preferences. whereas an entertainment apps can also support media stories based on user preference as well.  

Understanding user behavior patterns with AI-powered apps
The user’s behavior and the patterns can provide many informations and insights about the app’s users and their experience. Using these insights and ideas, developers improve the customer experience by making some changes in the app. 

Nowadays AI is being considered as one of the most important technologies in the mobile App industries. This can bring several remarkable features into the apps and AI benefits in this industry are not negligible. In the coming days, AI will take mobile app development at a high level and provide better user experience also and help in enhancing the business.

Presently there is a high demand for Artificial Intelligence in many companies and If you want to do a course in Artificial Intelligence the join “Nearlearn”. Nearlearn is the best Artificial Intelligence training institute in Bangalore and they also provide Machine Learning Course in Bangalore with both classroom training and online training. After completion, of course, they provide placement support to their students.

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Monday, April 20, 2020

Use of Artificial Intelligence for Space and Ocean Exploration

Today, Our world is full of technologies, innovations, curiosity, and creativity and we achieved a lot of things. Our scientists are discovering so many things and explorings our mysterious world and still many more discoveries are need to happen. Machines and technologies are like a blessing for us in this robotics world.

Robotics and Artificial Intelligence is changing many industries particularly for tasks that may be difficult for humans to do. As we all know or space and oceans are so mysterious and scientists are able to explore only some part of it and still many more mysterious things yet to discover. All of the things come possible only with the help of AI technologies and without this, discoveries are impossible and we able to study lots of things about space and oceans and know what exactly happening in space or in oceans. 
Here I am going to discuss how Artificial Intelligence is being used for space and ocean Exploration.

Use of Artificial Intelligence for space exploration

Many space research agencies like NASA, ISRO, European Space agencies are using AI technologies to do their researches in space.  

Planetary Exploration
AI and Robotics technologies allowing us to observe and explore the different new planets in our solar system. These robots collect the images of unidentified things in the space and sent information to our scientists. Based on that information scientists start their research and finding and collecting data of those unidentified things.

Earth Observation
With the help of satellites, scientists are able to observe the activities of our earth. AI helps optimize the analysis and gives us the reports of weather and natural disaster and provide alert signals before the occurrence so that we can take some preventive actions and AI also identify the objects that are hazardous for our earth and raised alert alarm to our scientists.

There are countless sensors and gadgets that help astronauts in many ways of exploring space.  Actually sending a robot to space is much cheaper than sending a human. Recently NASA sent four robotic vehicles called rovers, to Mars. Robots are sent to planets to collect information related to weather of those planets, gases, Minerals, life existence, etc. With the help of sensors, robots detect the gases and weather of those planets and take the image of the objects with a high-resolution camera and send all data to our scientists. The Data that scientist receives from space in the form of images and they decode the images and extract the needed information.

UFO Detection
Many scientists do their researches on aliens and they try to find them. Many parts of countries, people claim that they have seen UFOs and today it is the big question that “do really alien exist”?. Our scientists sent satellites to our solar system to find unusual things in the space. These satellites detect unusual things like UFOs & aliens and sent information to our space stations and with the help of this information, scientists try to contact them and extract all the information.    

Use of Artificial Intelligence for Ocean exploration

As we all know that just like our solar system oceans are also very mysterious and our earth is cover with ¾ areas of water. Under deep water, there are many things that are unexplored and we don’t know about it. It is impossible for a human to go inside the very deep ocean because there are high water pressure that can affect the lungs and body. That’s why scientists developed AI technology to explore the underwater world and able to discover new species and mysterious things.

Ocean Exploration
Under deep water, scientists explored so many new species and things and many more things are yet to be discovered. Scientists send many robotics technologies under deep water and these robots collect the images of deep oceans or it provides live video what exactly happening under the deep oceans so based on that scientists do their researches.

Surveillance ocean activities 
These technologies always surveillance ocean activities and if any natural activities like the tsunami that being happen in the future, it provides alert signals before the occurrence so that we can stop this or we can take preventive measures. It also measures the sea level of water and if water above the sea level then it raises alert signals to us.

Oil and Minerals Exploration
AI has a number of potential applications and it is the key to unlocking the next productivity revolution in the industry. AI robots help in to find the oil and minerals in the deep ocean by drilling and automated inspections.
Korea Institute of ocean science and technology has developed the AI robot name “Crabster.”
It is the world’s deepest largest underwater robot used in exploration projects such as exploring shipwrecks as well as repairing structures like the pipes used to carry oil and gases.  

Transforming Marine Management
Marine species are important for commercial and scientific researches. Many researchers and organizations have been deploying AI to prepare a specific report of marine species for marine management.  
Researchers of North Carolina state university has developed an AI program that automatically identifies species or microscopic marine organisms. This program is able to identify the six species of foraminifera. For more than 100 million years, these creatures have predominated in the oceans. By examining shells, scientists able to determine when the shells were formed. 

AI technologies are used in every sector and with the help of AI we able to explore so many things of our solar system and oceans. By sitting at home we able to know the detailed information about space and we able to see the underwater of oceans. All of these things come possible only because of AI technology. Today many more discoveries are yet to come and scientists are developing new technologies to explore our solar system and deep oceans.

 As you know, Almost every sector AI is used and the demand for the job in Artificial Intelligence is high. So if you want to become an AI professional and want to do a course then join “Nearlearn”. Nearlearn is the best Artificial Intelligence training institute in Bangalore and they also provide the best Machine Learning Course in Bangalore. we provide both online training and classroom training. We trained our students from basic to advance level and after completion, of course, we provide placement supports to our students.

For more information visit our site: 

Monday, April 13, 2020

How Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence will Impact your Daily Life

Nowadays, Artificial intelligence and machine learning are considered to be one of the biggest innovations and expanding and growing every day. AI and Machine Learning Occupied in almost every sector. In the coming future, it will be the biggest boost industry in the global economy and demand for these will be the rise in every sector.

As we see, we all are surrounded by Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. Without this, our works will be more complicated and very difficult to do. These things are invented to make our life easier. With the help of these scientists explored so many things about science, technologies, nature, space, environments, oceans and many more that we never know before and we know only a few things about this and still there are a lot of discoveries that need to happen.

Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence widely utilized to understand the human aspect, enhance business and production, learning, capable of thinking, objects and speech recognization like we do and the biggest example is Alexa. 
AI and Machine Learning will help us live happier, healthier and more productive and here I am going to discuss how Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence will impact our Everday Life.

Robots as Friends
Robots can do anything that a human can do. But robots are emotionless and in the coming days, Robots will be programmed in such a way that able to read human behavior and emotions.
Robots can help us in many ways such as education, healthcare, at home, for public security & it will act like humans and can become friends of humans. It will boost our standard of living.

Self Driving Cars and Automated Transportation
Self Driving cars are already invented but not fully implemented on the Road. This will be programmed for self-driving which prevents accidents and make our roads safer. 
Self-driving cars will free up our travel time. It will also increase fuel efficiency and will eliminate many traffic snarls and completely change the nature of the cities

Intelligent Gaming 
If we talk about Video Games then It totally changed as compared to earlier and it will change even more in the future. Many developers are developing gaming pattern that its look more realistic. Many developers of casino games are also using AI to make their game more interesting. AI model has been created according to the preferences and the behaviors of the player and also creates the game level on the high.  

Enhanced Health care
Most of the Hospitals utilize Machine Learning to help in treating patients. AI is also tackling some of the most intractable issues in medicine, such as helping researchers to better understand genetic disorders by using predictive models. previously, doctors reviewed their data manually before they diagnose or treat a patient but today with the help of machine learning they quickly provide real-time insights and diagnose patients faster and more accurately. In the coming future, it will be easier to treat patients and with the help of machine learning and artificial intelligence doctors will able to cure untreatable diseases like cancers and able to do operations without any cuts and surgery.

Improve Eldercare
Many elders are struggling nowadays and they are facing so many problems like health problems, joints problems, vision problems, sleeping problems and many more. AI and machine learning developed in such kind of ways that they can perform their daily tasks without facing any difficulties and this solution offers family members more flexibility in taking treatments of loved ones. These robots will help elders with daily tasks and allow them to stay independent and live in their homes for as long as possible and will improve their overall well beings. 

Innovation In Banking
AI will also help banks and credit issuers to detect fraudulent behavior while it is happening. They can spot patterns in your transaction and alert users to suspicious behavior. They also confirm with you that the purchase was indeed you before they process the payment.

Home security and smart Homes
For safety and security purpose many home-owners installing AI-Integrated cameras, robots, and alarm systems. These cutting-edge systems use facial recognition software and machine learning to create a list of regular visitors to your home and allowing these systems to detect uninvited guests in an instant. 
AI-powered smarts homes will also provide smart features like tracking, notify you when your kids come from school, reduce household waste and automated recycling and putting the household in better balance with the ecosystems and reduce the workload and reduce stress.

Streamlined logistics and distribution
Currently, shipping costs are still quite expensive. AI will bring the technology that will reduce the shipping costs and will increase delivery speed. Amazon has already started experimenting with autonomous drones that will provide fast delivery to their right customers. 

Personalized Digital Media
AI and Machine Learning algorithms will completely change the media and entertainment. Most of the movies are using 3D technologies for better and realistic effects but in the coming day’s AI and Machine Learning will bring Some advanced technologies in media and entertainments and theaters will design in such a way that you can feel every moment of movies just like 5D-6D or you be the part of movies. it looks more realistic.

All these shows how Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence impact our daily life and if you want to more about this and want to do a course then join “Nearlearn”. Nearlearn is the Best Machine Learning training institute in Bangalore and also the Top Artificial Intelligence training Institute In Bangalore. They provide the best trainers having 10+ years of industry experience in these fields.

For More Information Contact us:

Friday, April 3, 2020

How Artificial Intelligence is used In Agriculture

We all are surrounded by full of technology and most of the works are done by using tools and technology and without any physical effort, we able to complete our quality works on time. Technologies are used in almost every sector and one of these is the agriculture sector.

As the world, the population continues to grow and the land becomes more scarce. All people are totally depending on food and so it is very difficult for the farmer to produce more crops and increase productivity.

In an earlier time, farmers used traditional methods to do farming and they faced so many difficulties But now these things are changing and they improving their farming methods by using various tools and technologies and increasing their productivity. Nowadays most of the industries are adopting AI technologies to help yield healthy crops, control pests, monitor soil, and growing conditions, organize data for farmers and to enhance the wide variety of agricultural tasks cross the food supply chain.

Based on research, the Application of Artificial Intelligence in agriculture

Agricultural Robots: Artificial Intelligence allows agriculture bots to help farmers to find more effective ways to protect their crops from weeds that may be resistant to herbicide chemicals that intended to kill them and using computer vision tools helps monitor the weeds and spray them. In the field of agriculture, AI bots can Harvest crops at higher volume and faster pace than human workers. 

Monitoring Crop and soil: Using AI is an effective way to monitor potential soil defects and nutrients deficiencies. With the image recognization approach, AI identifies the possible defects of crops. AI applications are built to analyze flora patterns in agriculture. These applications are used by Artificial Intelligence to help in understanding the soil defects, plant pests, and diseases.

Predictive analysis: AI is being developed to track and predict the various environmental impact of crop yield such as changes in weather conditions. AI is helping the farmers in advance ways to keep updated with the data related to weather forecasting and help farmers to increase production and profits without risking the crop and help the farmers to take precautions. With the help of AI, a farmer can analyze the variety of things such as weather conditions, water usage, soil condition, temperature and based on that they are able to make smart decisions on time.

Drones: Drone technology is used to improve the yield of their crops. Drones provide a high quality of the image that can help to monitor crops while scanning and analyzing fields to collect the required agricultural data. With the help of drones, farmers can see their fields from the sky. This view shows the intending issue on farms such as irrigation problems, soil variation as well as pests and fungal infections, having identified this issue farmers can come up with solutions to improve crop management and production.

Driverless Tractors: It is a self Driving tractors that are programmed to reduce the workload and stress on farmers and performing a wide range of tasks on the farm. The sensor of the tractor can collect data on soil conditions and improved the maintenance of already planted crops and also detect the moisture level of the ground.

Advantage of Using Artificial Intelligence In Agriculture

Nowadays there are highly use of AI in agriculture sectors and it helps the farmers to increase the productivity of crops.
  • The growth of AI technology has improved the agro-based industry to run more efficiently.
  • With the help of AI, a farmer can analyze various things such as weather conditions, water usage, soil condition, temperature. By this analysis gathered data farmers can increase production and profits without risking the crop and help in taking precautions.
  • AI can improve crop management practices and allow other tech companies to invest in algorithms that are becoming useful in agriculture.
  • By implementing computer vision, robotics, and machine learning, the farmer can use AI to control weeds. Data are collected with the help of AI to keep a check on weeds which helps the farmer to spray chemicals only where the weeds are. This reduced the usage of chemicals spraying on the entire field. As a result, AI reduces herbicide usage compared to the amount of chemicals that usually sprayed in the entire fields.
  • AI system is helping farmers to improve the harvest quality by identifying diseases in Plants, Pests, and poor plant nutrition on Farm. AI sensors detect the harmful weeds and then decides which herbicide is to apply within the right buffer zone. With the help of AI, farmers are improving the harvest quality and increasing the productivity of the crops.

AI technology is highly used in different sectors to increase productivity and efficiency. AI in agriculture is helping the farmer in many ways and improve their efficiency of agricultural production. It helps the farmer to monitor the crops without the need to invigilate personally into the farms. AI redefines traditional farming practices. The future of AI in agriculture is the way ahead in revolutionary transformation with advanced approaches.

If you want to know more about Artificial Intelligence and regarding the courses then Join “Nearlearn”. Nearlearn is the Top Best Artificial Intelligence training institute in Bangalore and also offers courses on Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data Science, Python, React Native & Reactjs. They provide both classroom training and online training. They provide the best trainers having 10+ years of industry experience in the relevant skills.

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