Sunday, May 31, 2020

Interesting Facts About Artificial Intelligence that might surprise you

Artificial intelligence has received a lot of attention and a huge amount of recognition in the past years. Nowadays many sectors are adopting AI technologies to enhance and boost their businesses.
Before further processing, we discuss about the history of Artificial Intelligence. In 1950, Alan Turing publishes “Computing Machinery and Intelligence” in which he proposed a test. The test can check whether a machine is capable of human intelligence behavior or not, called a Turing Test. After that John McCarthy, an American computer scientist introduced the term “Artificial Intelligence” in the year 1955. In 1961, The first Robot is introduced on an assembly line at general motors. Then In 1965, Joseph Weizenbaum has created the first Chatbot, which was named “ELIZA”. In 1997, IBM’s Deep Blue, a chess-playing computer becomes the first computer to beat a world chess champion, Garry Kasparov and In 2009, google starts building a self-driving car. This is how we are moving towards a technological world with innovations.

Let us discuss the Interesting facts about Artificial Intelligence:

Most AI Bots are Female: Most of the AI industry consists of fembots. Studies show that most people are attracted to the female voice as compared to the male voice. For Example, If you ask Siri, Alexa, or your bank’s Voice assistance a question, most likely, you will get a response by a pleasant and polite female’s voice. That is why most of the AI bots are programmed with the female voice.

The Artificial Intelligence Market will be worth a lot: As per the PWC report, AI will contribute $15.7 trillion to the global economy by 2030. AI will make products and services better, and the global GDP could rise by 14 percent.

2025, AI pets will exist: Although real pets are lovable, they have a few downsides. They need to be fed, cleaned up, and taking care of. But AI pets will be robots that will look, feel, and act like real animals. Few AI-driven pets will become widely available in the coming 2025.

Sony created a robotic dog named “Aibo”, one of its First Toys to buy and play. It is able to express emotions and also able to recognize its owner. This was the first of its kind, but today you will find more expensive and advanced models.

AI-Based Self-Driving Car Market Is Expected to Reach $127B: The self-driving car market is expected to be worth worldwide by the end of 2027 and these things will possible only because of AI technology. Nvidia has already built its own AI-driven computer to support driverless cars and One of the most important facts about this intelligence is that the AI assistant in these cars will capable to drive just like human drivers.

Nautilus - The Future Teller: Nautilus is a supercomputer that has the power to predict the future and it becomes famous when it was able to locate most wanted terrorist Osama Bin Laden.

AI can read you Mind: Alter Ego is created by MIT Media and it is a mind-reading AI wearable that lets you communicate with devices, AI assistants, application, and other people without speaking any words.

AI robots can heal themselves: European Research council at Vrije Universiteit Brussel built self-healing soft AI-based robots consisting of flexible material that enables them to heal themselves. These soft Robots are not just soft and flexible, making them safe for human interactions but also self-repairs any injuries

Robots will have citizenship rights:  Everyone knows about Sophia. She is the First AI-based robots. Sophia is the first robot to get citizenship in a county. She is not only the first robot to become Saudi Arabia citizens, but also has more rights than any other woman in Saudi Arabia.

Artificial Intelligence is much like Humans: Some scientists expect artificial intelligence systems to be as smart as a human by 2035. But in the coming 2060, AI could start performing nearly all the tasks like humans do and doing them much better than humans.

AI: A Fierce Board Game Player: In 1997, IBM’s Deep Blue, a chess-playing computer becomes the first computer to beat a world chess champion, Garry Kasparov.  In another example, two artificial intelligence programs have finally proved that AI can beat human professional card players. In one of our most famous games, AI programs knew when to keep, and when to fold the cards.

AI able to hear, sense, emotion, and speak: Before Sophia, an expressive robot called Kismet. It could see, hear, sense, emotion, and speak, using its eyes and mouth to express emotions just like humans. 

3D Painting: University of Minnesota, Minneapolis have 3D printed a prototype bionic eye. The device is an array of a semiconductor, photodetector, made of polymers, printed on a Glass hemisphere.
Researchers in Groningen, Netherland have developed not just a 3D printed tooth but one that kills Bacteria 
Scientists at Princeton University, Princeton have 3D printed “bionic ears” that combine a small coil antenna with cartilage. The ear can able to “hear” radio frequencies far beyond the range of normal human capability.

The concept of AI has been around since the 1940s and After that John McCarthy has introduced the term “Artificial Intelligence”. Basically, there are so many facts about Artificial Intelligence that blows your mind, and today many more inventions are still yet to come related to AI. Gartner claims that Artificial Intelligence will not only automates people out of work but create nearly 2.3 million jobs by 2022. The net increase of 500,000 new jobs is being achieved and In the coming 2025, AI will be expected to become a $60 billion dollar industry. By 2045, it is expected to surpass the human-level intelligence. In the coming days, there will be the biggest change in technologies and some more amazing facts will arise only because of Artificial Intelligence.  

Actually, there are so many interesting facts about Artificial Intelligence that we don’t know. If you want to know more interesting facts and want to take courses in Artificial Intelligence then join” Nearlearn”. Nearlearn is the best Artificial Intelligence Training Institute in Bangalore and also provide a Best Machine Learning Training Course in Bangalore. They provide trainers having 10+ years of industry experience in this field. After completion, of course, they provide placement support to their students.

For more information visit our site:

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