Sunday, May 17, 2020

Use of Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing and Marketing

If you see around you at home you would found so many products and things. Just think about those products and things that how it would have been manufactured and how it came into the markets. From manufacturing to the marketing of product there is a huge involvement of Artificial Intelligence. If you visit any factories then you will see so many machines are installed for Manufacturing and different machines perform different tasks. After that those products came to markets and through the different types of marketing we came to know about those products. All of these things possible only because of Artificial Intelligence. Without this, we Can’t do anything. 
Before furthering the process, we will discuss the short description of Artificial Intelligence.
Artificial Intelligence is defined as the implementation of some aspects of human abilities such as capable of thinking, learning, object, speech, and image recognization as we do. It became widely utilized to enhance business and customer satisfaction.

Lets us discuss how the product is manufactured with the help of Ai and then how it comes into the markets.  

Use of Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing

If you visit any manufacturing industries of textile, plastics, steel, products, foods, etc. then you will found the list of a problem that can be solved by the technology like unskilled workforce, the security of data, supply chain, autonomous monitoring, managing factory from the phone, quality inspection, generative designs. Quality control is one of the biggest challenges for the manufacturing industries and if we talk about a quality inspection of products then it helps in checking whether the product is defective or good. The method of doing this is a visual inspection. It basically checks the product with the help of AI. we found the same quality of products and taste only because of AI. Artificial Intelligence algorithms used to calculate the exact figure, taste, size, pattern, of products, and manufactured products without any changes. 
AI performs in the manufacturing process to quality control, shorten design time, reduce the waste of material and many more. With AI adoption, they can make quick data-driven decisions, optimize manufacturing processes, reduce operating costs, and enhance customer service.

How Artificial Intelligence can help manufacturers to boost the efficiency of production:

Quality Control Using Computer Vision
Computer vision is used to observe the production process and identify defects such as microscopic cracks in manufacturing equipment. High-resolution cameras record the manufacturing process and inspect the tools to find microscopic flaws in the product. The system recognizes the microscopic defects and sends alerts signals. 

Generative Designs
AI plays a significant role in changing the way manufacturing companies design products using generative design. It is an iterative design method that involves detailed design information as input to the AI algorithms. This information can involve several design parameters including production process, product material types, time, and budget constraints. Taking all these parameters into consideration, The algorithm examines every possible permutation of a solution and provides the most suitable output solutions.

In Manufacturing industries, a large number of robotics devices are being used to handle the manufacturing process and production. A typical application of robots includes welding, painting, packaging, labeling, product inspection, and testing. Manufacturing robots automate repetitive tasks, reduce margins of error to negligible rates, and enable human workers to focus on more productive areas of the operation.

So above we discussed the few points that how AI is used in the manufacturing process and now we will discuss how these products came into the market and how AI used in Marketing.

Use of Artificial Intelligence in Marketing
In this digital world, Artificial Intelligence totally changes marketing strategies. Artificial intelligence helps the marketer to create highly personalized consumer experiences that cost far less than traditional high-dollar campaigns. Many marketers and agencies want to expand their businesses through digital reach. They are using AI tools to implement innovative ideas in Marketing to react to maximum customers and enhance their business. 

Here we discuss how Artificial Intelligence used in Marketing:

Optimize Digital Advertising campaigns
AI tools help advertisers take them a further step for deeper insight and analysis. AI record the abundance of consumer data hidden in keyword searches, social profiles, and other online data, for smarter and more effective digital ads and make a better consumer experience.

Customer Service Via Chatbots
An AI phenomenon known as chatbots can help business. It is quite easy to use and allowing customers to communicate with your business and also allows your business to serve more clients with fewer resources and efforts. A chatbot helps you to stay in touch with your audience, keeping people engaged and provides you regular updates about business and products.

Audience Insight
Many Analytical tools provide information about customer preferences and purchasing behaviors, but the AI-based tool allows you to use these data appropriately to deliver the right message at the right time.AI not only helps to establish a better customer experience but also collect information from different sources to produce valuable insights about their customers. By using these information businesses also attract new customers by understanding the way their potential customers interact with other similar businesses.

AR/VR Technology
Today, customers are being able to experience products or services before purchasing through AR/VR technology. Through VR/AR technology, many marketers are able to create a prototype of the products and show it to interested clients. They can able to not only see the exact sizes of everything but also feel the texture of the product as well. For example, if you construct a building then before construction you can create a prototype of the building and you can able to see the exact shape and size of the building after construction how it will look like.  

Artificial Intelligence is used in every sector and also highly used in manufacturing industries. It helps the business to manufacture large amounts of products in very less time and reduce the cost of production. After manufacturing, marketers are using AI tools for marketing purposes and enhancing their businesses and improving customer experience.

We all know that we all depending on Machines and technologies. In the coming days, Almost every sector will need AI technologies and it will be the biggest boom in industries and also there will be so many job vacancies in various companies with a good salary package. If you want to know about Artificial Intelligence and want to start a career in this field the join “Nearlearn”. Nearlearn is the top best Artificial Intelligence Training Institute in Bangalore and also the best Machine Learning Training Institute in Bangalore. They provide Trainers having 10+ years of Industries experience in this filed. After completion, of course, they provide placement support to their students where you will able to get practical knowledge, and also you will able to know which sectors AI will be needed. you will have been handle so many projects related to AI. This will help you to become more proficient in the field of AI.

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