Monday, June 15, 2020

Top Revolutionary Artificial Intelligence Projects

As we all know all Industries are adopting Artificial Intelligence on a grand scale. All big and small tech companies are working on Artificial Intelligence projects with innovative ideas that will shape the futures of industries. AI silently reshaping our society and changing our daily lifestyle by reducing our daily tasks. As we can say, we all are becoming gradually dependent on technologies. Today if you see around your home then you will get so many AI devices. AI Engineers are developing new technologies and Machines that even we can’t think. Many Different Artificial Intelligence projects have already come and many are coming or yet to come. 

In a recent study Artificial Intelligence Market to be valued at $ 21.46 billion in 2018 and is likely to reach $190.61  billion by 2025. As technology becomes more sophisticated, that will become more prevalent. While some AI projects including Google Brain and Microsoft’s Cortana are well-known, there are a large number of AI startups in the arts working on this. If you thought AI will takeaways our business jobs then yes we can say but apart from this, it may also chance to generate many jobs also. Here are revolutionary projects of artificial intelligence that are changing the world around us.

It is a Self-driving and autonomous car that will be navigating our roadways before we know it. Almost every company out there, from Google to automobile manufacturers like Ford and GM, are working on self-driving tech.
Tesla is a self-driving option, but it is not fully autonomous, but an extension to its autopilot package. Full Self Driving features to include automatic lane changes, parallel parking and a summon feature, which automatically parks and retrieves the car, and the automatic light and stop sign controls are also included.
Now Tesla’s market capital hit $100 billion and every day Tesla vehicles and the AI system are growing smarter.

Alexa is a conversational AI platform that allows the assistant to react and respond to queries more naturally the same as humans and it is developed by Amazon. The Amazon calls the built-in Brain of the device “Alexa” that uses speech recognition to perform an ever-growing range of tasks on command and it also start tracking and analyzing what you want to say next, after it hears “ Alexa”. you can ask Alexa all sorts of questions like You can ask her to play music according to your mood, ask about the weather update, or ask her to convert measurements for you and you can also use her to shop for products on Amazon or to control other smart home devices in your home.  Amazon Alexa could be a $19 billion business by 2021.

Netflix is an entertainment company that uses alarmingly accurate predictive measures to analyze and deliver relevant content for viewers. This is done by analyzing past behavior, viewed content, and customer reactions to movies and shows. The net worth of Netflix is $194 billion and also having increased its market value more than $50 billion so far this year.   

Microsoft’s Cortana
Microsoft’s Cortana is just like Siri, Google Assistant, and Alexa. It is a voice assistant that is developed by Microsoft, which uses the Bing search engine to perform tasks such as set a notification and reminder, answering the question of the user, and many more activities. Cortana is instructed by the user to find information, schedule appointments, set reminders, and use features of applications installed on the device such as access to the calendar, Email, contacts, and browsing history

Google Brain 
Google Brain is a Deep Learning and AI research team from Google which formed at the beginning of 2010. Google Brain brings together open-ended machine learning research with information systems and large-scale computing resources. It also empowers Google's primary engine to use most of its products, including Google's assistant — Google 's response to the same as Siri and Alexa.
One of the latest products or developments from Google Brain is Smart Reply, a quick messaging tool integrated into Gmail to automate common responses. It also works through Android's mobile operating system with text message apps.

AlphaGo is a computer program designed to plays the board game Go. It was founded by DeepMind Technologies and later it was acquired by Google. AlphaGo had three far more powerful successors, called AlphaGo Master, AlphaGo Zero, and AlphaZero.In 2015, AlphaGo became one of the first computer programs in history to beat a human professional without any handicaps. The game was played on a 19 "x 19" board in full-size which is unprecedented. More boards than previous versions were required for the AI and its algorithms, which included more moves and player performance.

IBM’s Watson
IBM's Watson is an AI and machine learning platform for an almost endless stream of projects. It has a major impact on banking and finance, online therapy and mental health, retail, marketing, and also on the customer’s Services.
It is a supercomputer that incorporates artificial intelligence and advanced analytic tools as a "question answering" tool for optimal performance.
Watson's underlying cognitive computing technology applications are nearly endless because the device can perform text mining and complex analytics on huge amounts of unstructured data. It can support a search engine or an expert system that is far superior to any existing system.

Cyc is a long-term artificial intelligence project designed to build a comprehensive ontology and knowledge base covering fundamental concepts and rules about how the world work. Cyc focuses on the implicit knowledge that other AI platforms may take for granted in order to capture common sense knowledge. Cyc allows AI applications to carry out reasoning similar to humans and to be less "brushing" when confronted with novel situations.

This list represents a few examples of the use of artificial intelligence in today's world. AI will be an unavoidable element of our lives in the very near future.AI will continue to grow into the future and more companies and organizations looking to implement the technology. AI will totally change the industrial structure and also a way of working. 

As you can see there are a lot of projects that are coming related to Artificial Intelligence and in the near future, many jobs vacancies are coming in this AI filed so if you want to Explore your knowledge in Artificial Intelligence and wanted to start a career, then join “Nearlearn”. Nearlearn is the best Artificial Intelligence Training Institute in Bangalore and also the best Machine Learning Training Institute. They hold high skilled trainers having 10+ years of industry experience in this field. It also offers courses in Data Science, Blockchain Training, React Native, ReactJs, Python Training, and Deep Learning. After completion, of course, they provide placement support to their students and also provide internship facilities in various companies.

For more Information related to Artificial Intelligence please visit our site:

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