Monday, July 27, 2020

How Artificial Intelligence can Impact in Civil Engineering?

Artificial Intelligence is a well-known word for every Engineering Students. While doing Engineering, students studied detailed information about Artificial Intelligence. We all know that almost industries are adopting AI technologies and day by day the demand for Artificial Intelligence is increasing and it is estimated that more than $97.9 billion will be invested in 2023. The reason is we all start depending on machines and technologies, whether we talk about home or about any industries. That’s why the demand for Artificial Intelligence is increasing in every sector of the business and it brings new innovations in every sector and industry and reducing our works tasks and making our work easier and convenient. 

But if we Discuss about Artificial Intelligence in Civil Engineering then Artificial Intelligence plays a great role in civil engineering. Earlier Civil Engineer follows traditional techniques to do their works and did lots of physical works also, but today it is not like that. They totally changed the ways of working and make their works easier as compared to traditional techniques. These things are happening only because of Artificial Intelligence. Now Civil Engineers are using Artificial Intelligence to their works faster and in a lesser duration of time by reducing their physical Efforts.
Let’s see How Artificial Intelligence can impact in Civil Engineering:

Artificial Intelligence is designed not only to make construction operations more manageable but also to make the construction business more profitable.

Projects Planning
Construction companies are using deep learning approaches to enhance the efficiency of their construction processes. Image recognition of images taken by manual drones can be used to recognize dangerous areas and equate them with known structural defects. In addition, AI algorithms may use trial and error strategies to determine the best practices to adopt by reinforcement learning. Construction companies can greatly increase the efficiency of their overall project workflow by incorporating these process improvements in project planning and scheduling.
In addition, shareholders may use neural networks and laser-generated images to gain insight into the progress of individual construction projects. When using AI to build 3-D models, they can compare them to the original models so they can test for any quality differences. It will improve the decision-making process considerably while applying actionable perspectives.

Optimizations in Design
The AI-powered recommendation systems are used by civil construction companies and contractors. Such programs use supervised learning to Study charts of design to suggest specific improvements. Through their cluster behavior approach, these recommendation systems gather architectural data and provide solutions to architects and engineers in the architecture and structural construction fields. Recommendation systems often take into account different factors, such as the implementation timeline, overall ownership costs, the probability of failures during implementation, or whether the region is vulnerable to earthquakes. Let suppose a variety of bolted or welded connections may be recommended, such as architectural finishes. Construction companies have more knowledge about what designs are ideally fit for a project at any given time.

Safety Construction 
Each construction project has some risks, and the larger project has more risks because there are many subcontractors employed side by side on a job site in various trades. Artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques are used for monitoring and prioritizing workplace risks. By using artificial intelligence in building security, you can rate subcontractors based on a risk score and prioritize certain issues so that project managers can work closely with high-risk teams to minimize any kind of problems.
Furthermore, the Internet of Things ( IoT) automates worksites to make them more secure. Wearable sensors can able to detect the worker 's position and provide warnings alert when if one of them slips or falls.

Proper Maintenance
Artificial Intelligence is used by robotic systems to control the building processes. Civil engineers can run simulations on simple operating procedures that teach these robotic arms precisely to carry out the required supporting tasks. Such robotic simulations can be conceived for predetermined research that does not require human intelligence involvement. This may involve materials processing, strength testing, general maintenance, and checking of impurity levels in the raw materials.
Artificial Intelligence systems can not only help in handling physical processes but can also provide support for management in certain project management activities. Through improving Building Information Modeling, AI bots can track a building project's lifecycle and provide guidance for all aspects of it. AI algorithms will take care of process management by inputting data from all other sources, thus ensuring uninterrupted project flow.

Drones for Mapping
Using Drones significantly to gather accurate survey maps and aerial photos of a job site by reducing the project’s time and costs. Drones are using to monitor the progress of the project and tracking issues at a job site. It provides deeper tools for making choices easier and keeping projects on track.

Help to Prevent Overruns Cost 
Artificial Neural Networks are used to predict cost overruns on projects based on factors such as project size, the form of contract, and project managers' level of competence. Predictive models use historical data such as expected start and end dates to visualize practical timelines for future projects. AI helps workers access real-life training material remotely which helps them to quickly improve their skills and knowledge. This reduces the time taken for projects to integrate new tools. As a result, the completion of the project is expedited.

More Productive and Efficiency
With AI-powered algorithms, Civil Engineerings are improving their productivity and efficiency. AI provides more operational solutions, and an increase in the number of infrastructure groups is applying AI techniques to their projects. Civil Engineers are using AI-powered devices to complete their projects on time with minimal human efforts and resources. AI-powered robotic devices not only bring efficiency while working but also bring productivity. That’s is the only reason that laborers can do their works with perfection. As a result construction companies doing more productive works and gaining so much profit in the markets.

Artificial Intelligence Bringing revolutionary changes in every sector. Civil Engineers also taking benefits of Artificial Intelligence. By the use of Artificial Intelligence, Civil Engineers get help in many ways while starting any projects or doing any construction and also prevents in overruns cost. Before starting any projects or construction, civil engineers can able to create exact models and can able to do some changes if there any requirements in construction with the help of AI technologies. In civil engineering, AI has a whole range of functions that improve processes and change the way of builders or engineers work. It really Artificial Intelligence makes construction business more manageable and profitable and Artificial Intelligence is like a blessing for all civil engineers and builders.

So these are the things where you can see how Artificial Intelligence can impact civil Engineering. If you a civil Engineers and wanted to build a career in Artificial Intelligence then don’t worry about your career. You can also start a career in these Fileds. If you want to do a course of Artificial Intelligence then join “Nearlearn”. Nearlearn is the Best Artificial Intelligence Training Institute in Bangalore and also provides the Best Machine Learning Training in Bangalore. They provide trainers having 10+ years of industry experience and they will help you to build a career in this field and After completion, of course, they provide placement support to their students.
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Monday, July 20, 2020

How is Artificial Intelligence Transforming the Banking sectors

Nowadays Banking sectors are day by day moving towards digitalization and the modern banking world. Earlier people face so many problems related to banking and commercial works but now it’s not like that. We can do our commercial works in minutes without facing any problem or visiting any banks. As we all know that technologies are implementing in every sector and Banking sectors are also adopting Artificial Intelligence to bring new innovation like we can deposit cash without visiting any banks, we can do any kind of transaction. If we talking about banks and other financial institutions, security plays a very important role in these sectors because in these sectors proper and high-level security is required. Banking sectors implementing Artificial Intelligence to maintain proper security and to protect valuable data. We all know that Machine Makes our works easier and by the implementation of these technologies it also reduces a lot of financial and commercial works. Approximately 32% of financial service providers now use AI technology such as predictive analytics, voice recognition, etc. Artificial Intelligence is the future of banking because it brings the power of advanced data analytics to combat fraudulent transactions and boost enforcement. AI algorithm executes anti-money laundering operations in a few seconds. A study by PwC shows that 52 percent of the financial services industry is making huge investments toward AIence.

So here we discuss how Artificial Intelligence used in Banking sectors:

Fraud Detection
The banking sector is highly vulnerable to hacking, scams, and fraud detection, and mitigation is the highest priority of the banks. AI plays a role in reducing false positives rates, preventing fraudulent attempts, and rising payment fraud.
As per the PMNTS report, 80% of fraud specialists using AI-based systems agree that AI technology leads to reducing payment fraud and prevents fraud attempts.
The method used for Artificial Intelligence is getting day by day smarter and better. One way it detects banking fraud by scanning through the vast transactional data and monitor any unorthodox behaviors or unusual patterns of conduct. Therefore, banks can detect fraud and prevent breaches of security with this Artificial Intelligence. 

Enhanced Regulatory Compliance 
When fraud and scam cases rising, banks are under heightened pressure from regulatory bodies to provide stringent regulations. AI can be used for proper compliance with these regulations. Based on cognitive fraud analytics, AI monitors customer behaviors, records transactions, identifies suspect activities, and follows suspicious accounts.
AI will also help organizations remain up-to-date with compliance rules and regulations by going through the compliance criteria and detect any changes in the requirements through deep learning and natural language processing. This helps banks to stay up-to-date on ever-evolving regulatory standards and to comply with their own regulations.
Enhanced Customer Experience 
Customer service has a direct effect on the perception of a business and, particularly in the case of banks, customers use banks that have fast and convenient 24/7 access to their money transactions. Banks are now developing chatbots and voice assistants to give their customers a more personalized experience.
AI applied in the banking sector certainly impacts sales management and the B2B and B2C sales operations. This is partially due to better customer support.
Artificial intelligence helps to increase revenue, make faster decisions, and to have a good customer relationship. Not only does Artificial Intelligence ensure that consumers are satisfied, but it also allows banks to manage and have a well-organized back-office.

Mobile Banking
In this digital age, people prefer using their smartphones to conduct their financial transactions. The entire idea of traditional banking has been revolutionized by mobile banking. Mobile banking allows people to do financial transactions from the comfort of their homes anywhere in the world at any time.
Mobile banking means improved security, which is often higher than in conventional online counterparts. What's more, banks are actively using applications for more prosaic reasons as they help banks to cut operational costs.
As per the, National Business Research Institute survey found that 32% of financial institutions currently use AI technologies such as predictive analytics, voice recognition, and recommendation engines to provide consumers with a more personalized touch.

Digital Wallets
The invention of Digital wallet has helped raise the price of digital money to a much higher level. The best part of these wallets is that consumers can buy any item online with either a cell phone or a computer, and they can do so by cashless transactions.

AML Pattern Detection
Anti-money laundering refers to a series of policies, laws, or legislation aimed at preventing the practice of income generation by illegal action. In most cases, money launderers cover their acts by taking a series of steps to make it seem like money is legally obtained from illicit or immoral sources. With the ongoing advances and advancements in the field of artificial intelligence, these systems are only likely to become more accurate and rapid in the coming years.

Robotic Automation of processes
AI checks and transforms processes using the Robotic Process Automation ( RPA) framework. This allows for the automation of approximately 80% of routine work processes, enabling information workers to devote their resources to value-added operations requiring high human involvement.

Interactive Voice response systems
This is an automated voice program that helps with customer service and the routing of calls to relevant banking departments. This voice aid also helps to answer other questions. This adds to giving a good experience to customers with their banks.

We are entering a new digital era in which AI making their places in every sector. If we talking about Banking sectors the AI completely revolutionized the banking Industries and totally change the transaction process. With the Help of AI, we can easily access our money and also there is a better future of Artificial Intelligence in the banking sector and with the introduction of Artificial Intelligence, It makes transactions easier for a customer from any place and at any time without waiting in long queues at the bank. It completely changes our Banking system. Artificial Intelligence 's goal is to provide personalized, high-quality customer satisfaction and time-saving services.

So these are things where Artificial Intelligence is transforming the Banking sectors. So if you want to make a career in Artificial Intelligence then join our Institute “ Nearlearn”. Nearlearn is the best ArtificialIntelligence Training Institute in Bangalore and also provides machine learning training in Bangalore. They provide trainers having 10+ years of industry experience and they will help you to build a career in this field and After completion, of course, they provide placement support to their students.

For more information contact us:

Monday, July 13, 2020

How Artificial Intelligence can Help Your Business grow?

Artificial Intelligence plays a big role in the Digital Transformation of Businesses and many businesses are now moving towards digitalization and adopting AI technologies for the better growth of the business and for better interaction with customers. Attracting customers towards business is the main thing for every businessman, so they implementing new technologies and methods for providing better customer experiences and enhance the sale of the business. Many Businesses are already adopted AI technologies and providing better customer services. Companies like Amazon, Tesla, and Apple are already using Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence techniques for better enhancement of Businesses and customer services. They implementing new techniques and methods to draw customer’s attention towards his businesses.
But Many Businesses are still not adopting AI technologies. They follow the traditional methods but if we talk about the future then definitely every business adopting AI technologies either they are a small business or large business. So here we can see How Artificial Intelligence can help to grow your businesses.

Improving Personalized Shopping Experiences
One of the benefits of using AI in Businesses is that it is able to identify the browsing habits and purchasing behaviors of consumers. AI will provide highly accurate deals to individual consumers using the millions of transactions processed and analyzed in the cloud. AI helps companies maximize their marketing campaigns by discarding uninterested customers. In addition, AI helps to contact certain data points that can provide reliable and critical information. This helps to identify future customers, the churn rate, and even long-term customer estimation.

Virtual Assistance
In industry, virtual assistance is mainly used to enhance the customer experience. It is for this purpose that chatbots are deployed among many others. Chatbots have the ability to push interactions of human nature when answering customer queries. Such questions can be about everything from flight booking reservations. And it can also be about simply gathering information about a payment platform. Chatbots may respond to these queries in a simple, detailed, interactive manner.

Process Automation
Automation is another technology that can agilely improve all business processes. The artificial intelligence automates cognitive routine processes quickly. Smart algorithms are playing a very important role in many sectors such as retail, hospitality, financial firms, etc. These machines or algorithms not only do very professional tasks but also they can work 24 hours without a break.

Mining Unstructured Data
One of the greatest benefits of using cloud-based AI is that artificial intelligence algorithms are able to easily discover significant and specific results during big data processing. This will offer previously undiscovered insights to businesses that can help give it an advantage in the marketplace.

Structured data, which includes data that can be analyzed and interpreted, accounts for only 20% of all the information that we have. The remaining 80% of the available data is unstructured and can be of great value if useful market insights can be leveraged. So Artificial Intelligence helps businesses turn unstructured data into actionable informations.

Boost business performance by reducing repetitive tasks
All repetitive and routine tasks are taken care of by AI systems, allowing resources to concentrate on tasks that add value to their business because they always have minimal capital, this acts as a game-changer for SMBs. It is possible to automate activities such as steps to route new requests and logging notes in CRM, so workers can concentrate on activities that push the company needle. The use of Artificial Intelligence in small businesses thus serves as a revolutionary step.

Predicting Outcomes
AI is that it can predict outcomes based on analysis of the data, for example, It sees patterns in customer data that can indicate whether the products currently on sale are likely to be sold and in what volumes. It will also predict when demand is going to drop. It can be very helpful in helping a business purchase the right product and in the right amounts. It is expected that the days of seasonal sales will be over within 10 years, as AI would mean that very little surplus stock is available to sell-off.

Effective sales Approach
Sales strategies and methods have shifted far from cold calling and long email delivery. Consumers are influenced by so many other media types, from TV commercials to a platform for social media. Even Snapchat has become a tool for marketing.
Artificial Intelligence can be integrated into a CRM platform which can boost the sales pitch of a business to reach the right audience. CRM can be powered by AI, so it can manage both business tasks so multi-tasking. AI can be used to get a better understanding of current and potential clients. We will provide personalized approaches, depending on the results. These strategies help companies get stronger consumer insights and sales.

Improve Recruitment Process
AI is now helping businesses simplify the recruiting of new employees. It is able to sift through applications quickly, automatically rejecting those that do not meet the personal specification of the company. This not only saves time (or money spent on a recruitment agency), but it also ensures that the shortlisting process is free of discrimination or bias. The available AI programs can even take care of the many hiring administrative tasks.

Transforming Business Models
Companies now have the ability to collect more erudition, get insights, and innovate because everything is getting connected.  As a result, the market place is increasing learner activities, lively businesses, increased sales, inform customers, and competitive businesses. However, not only does AI change the way companies operate, but it also transforms conventional thinking and the significance of cooperation, competition, and innovation in essence. In addition, the AI ventures create competitive advantage by enhancing present attempts, introducing innovative concepts for neglected markets, or developing new markets.

Robotics Process Automation
Robotics process automation helps to reduce operational errors and enhance the productivity of the Bussiness.RPA is an automated program that can minimize the human effort by automating data entry operations without having any faults and AI works on speech & image recognition, decision-making, and prediction methods that help the business to enhance the productivity level.

AI systems provide a wide variety of benefits for companies including targeted marketing, customer support, operational automation, inventory management, and recruitment. As the era of smart technology and AI is evolving around us, there are opportunities for businesses to take their research to the next level. Companies will implement artificial intelligence with the right technologies and planning process to create a smart network, strengthen security procedures, enhance customer service, and fully transform the business model which they are focused on.AI is here to reshape industries and boost our capabilities.

So these are the things where you can see how artificial intelligence can transform our businesses and help to grow our business. So if you are looking for a career in Artificial Intelligence and wanted to do a course then join “Nearlearn”. Nearlearn is the Best Artificial Intelligence Training Institute in Bangalore and also the best Machine Learning Training Institute. They provide the Best Trainers having 10+ years of Industry experience In these fields. After completion of the course, they also provide Placement support to their students.

For more information contact us:

Monday, July 6, 2020

How Artificial Intelligence Revolutionizing Retails Industry

Artificial intelligence in the retail sector is implemented in new ways in the entire product and service process to better interact with customers. Everywhere some new innovation takes place, even in retails stores also. Retailers are implementing new techniques and methods to attract customers and for enhancement of sales. Many applications are implemented in Retails Businesses. Today retailers are adopting Artificial Intelligence to take his business in new ways. 
Research has shown that when shopping experience will highly personalize, customers have indicated that they are more likely to add additional items to their baskets and spend more than they had planned. AI has the potential to have a holistic end to end effect on retail.
AI model is produced that discovers actionable business, customer, and inventory information that is not normally apparent or known to the business owner. With these techniques, A retailer can do a variety of things to benefit his own business. AI can learn about customers like their needs, their preferences, and their behaviors to get to know them. AI is capable of producing such information, Multiple Advantage which obtained immediately for the business cash flow, and the general experience. The first is getting the customer to buy more. If AI knows what they need before they do and issues them a coupon for a given product, this will cause them to purchase an additional item that they haven't come for while creating additional revenue for the Business.  Another benefit is to improve the experience of customers because if you offer them exactly what they need at a better price, you can build a personal sales relationship with your customers. As per the juniper research predictions, Retailers will spend $7.3 billion on implementing Artificial Intelligence by 2022.
If we talking about today’s AI in Retails then It is making a huge impact on retail. AI robots now assisting with inventory checks, Monitoring customer’s needs, and much more. Robots are helping them to manage consumer traffic patterns and keep track of price tags and also delivering business intelligence on consumer buying behaviors and crowd reactions. 

Here some technologies that are used in Retails Industry:

Caper Introduces smart shopping Cart

Brooklyn, New York-based retail technology vendor Caper has created a smart, the self-checkout shopping cart that uses computer vision, sensor fusion, and three cameras to automatically ring up items placed inside the cart. The first time a product is placed in a cart, it has to be scan by customers so the cart can "read" it. After that initial scan, the features of computer vision take over and the item can simply be placed in the cart. Caper automatically counts the price without downloading an app for shoppers. When shopping is done, they can check out using the shopping cart's credit card readers. They can use either mobile pay or a credit card and Shoppers can then remove their bags.

Spoon Guru App Uses AI to Help Shoppers from Food Allergies
Spoon Guru provides a mobile app that uses AI to help allergy sufferers find the items in a store that includes appropriate ingredients for their needs. The device scans digital labels on the shelf, uses beacons, and connects with kiosks in the stores. Shoppers can discover which items are healthy for them in a supermarket by scanning a barcode, such as whether or not the goods are nut-free or gluten-free. The service supports 180 dietary attributes that are proprietary.

Ocado Uses Google ML to Handle Customer Complaints
UK-based online retailer Ocado uses machine learning-powered by the Google Cloud Machine Learning Engine to improve the speed of shopping data analytics and customer experience. When customers write complaints to Ocado, Ocado uses an ML model to sort and categorize incoming messages. Google said Orcado can respond to email 4 times faster. Additionally, Ocado uses automated Robots to help with packaging orders for customers 

Heasy the Robots take customers in the Right Direction
Heasy the robot has been deployed in retail locations in countries such as Denmark, France, and Germany. Heasy the robot can be found in the hypermarket E.Leclerc in France. The business plans to extend the Heasy robot to the US.
Heasy the robot can scan a customer's loyalty card and display shopper-relevant deals. The company's software then gathers data to address the pain points of a shopping mall, such as how much time a customer spends in stores. Heasy the robot takes customers in the right direction with implementing Map facilities on it so that Robots can give direction to a specific store and display the special promotion of those specific stores.

Intel Power cashier- Free Store
Amazon is a leading player in the rising trend of cashier-less retail stores and planning to open 3,000 new cashier-less grocery locations by 2021. Customers are able to select the things they are searching for and leave the shops without going to a checkout counter. Cloud Pick and Intel are partnering on another groundbreaking implementation on cashier-less stores in China that combine automated door entry, cameras, and computer vision to allow customers to check out without the the aid of a cashier. According to Stacey Shulman, Chief Innovation Officer, with Intel's Retail Solutions Division, the difference in the type of cashier-less store tech might be in the types of sensors used; some stores may have weight sensors, while others may be using Bluetooth Low Energy.

AWM Smart Self
Smart shelves are another technology that keeps customers interested in visiting stores. The AWM Smart Shelf provides features such as LED displays and targeted product information.
Cameras gather shopper behavior and demographics data to customize the videos that it displays. AWM may personalize the videos by age, gender, or ethnicity. The AI components keep track of shelf availability inside a store. AWM smart shelves use computer vision to incorporate cashier-less checkout. The platform senses which products were removed from the shelves and adds these items to the cart for customers. they then charge shoppers through their digital wallets.

Aziro- Zone24x7
Big department stores are testing a robot called Aziro from Zone24x7. It features an autonomous sensing system that uses RFID to check the shelf inventory. Zone24x7 says that RFID can help increase inventory counts accuracy and improve the ability to locate items inside a store. The Aziro robot will be used in warehouses and distribution centers aside from a store showroom.

Conclusion                                                                                                                                Artificial Intelligence bringing revolutionizing in retails store and it totally changes the retail industry and takes it to the next level. The enhancement if these technologies in retail stores bring a new revolution in these industries and result in it attract more customers and his interest towards marketing. Actually, it's gives us so many benefits such as resolving our fast queries, bringing new methods of shopping, we can reach products digitally, etc. It completely changes the customer's experience and not only this but In future also it will bring more technological changes as compared to today’s technology.

So you can see how Artificial Intelligence revolutionizes the Retails Industry. If you want to start a career in these filed and wanted to do a course then join “Nearlearn”. Nearlearn is the best Artificial Intelligence Training Institute in Bangalore and also the best Machine Learning Training course. They provide highly skilled trainers having 10+ years of industry experience in these fields and after completion of course they placements support to their students.

For more information contact us:

How Artificial Intelligence is Reshaping IT Industry?

  As we all people are aware of Artificial Intelligence technology that how it is reshaping many industries and taking into a new era of inn...