Sunday, September 27, 2020

Different Types of Artificial Intelligence that you should know

Nowadays Artificial Intelligence is the most trending and challenging technology and it is expanding in every sector. Now AI becomes part of our everyday life and it plays a vital role in shaping our lives for the better. Every outstanding application of Artificial intelligence is attracting the tech industries. But still many people don’t know about Artificial Intelligence that what exactly it is, how it works, what its importance, etc. The main objective of Artificial Intelligence is to enable machines to perform a function like humans. AI is not an old concept. Today, With what started merely as a theory in the early 1950s, we have various applications based on various types of artificial. The rapid growth and outstanding capabilities of Artificial Intelligence have increased its necessity. AI transforms every company vertically and offers tremendous benefits. This trend has made AI technology the most popular technology in the market. Also, a strong belief in the public that Artificial Intelligence is close to reaching its peak levels is growing.


So let us discuss different types of Artificial Intelligence that you should know.

There are basically 2 types of Artificial Intelligence

  1. Based on Functionality

·        Reactive Machine

·        Limited theory

·        Theory of Mind

·        Self-Aware AI

2.               Based on Capabilities

·        ANI(Artificial Narrow Intelligence)

·        AGI(Artificial General Intelligence)

·        ASI(Artificial Super Intelligence)


Let us discuss the type of AI-Based on Functionality:


Reactive Machine

These are the oldest and simplest type of AI systems that have extremely limited ability. This is the first stage of the AI system. There is no memory power for this type of AI, so they lack the ability to use previously acquired information/experience to obtain better results. Therefore, these types of AI do not have the ability to train themselves. These machines are used to give a response to the limited input combinations. With the experience gained previously, these systems can't improve their performance.

For Example, IBM's supercomputer for chess is the perfect example of these types of machines. It is famous for defeating world champion Garry Kasparov in the 1990s.


Limited Theory

Limited memory machines can learn from previous experiences to make perfect decisions, unlike reactive machines.  This AI category will cover almost every existing AI application. Vast data trains all existing AI-based machines that use machine learning and deep learning techniques. Such information is stored in system memory and has helped to solve future problems. 

For example, self-driving cars use sensors to identify people crossing the road, steep roads, traffic signals, and many more to make better driving decisions. It helps to avoid all future accidents.


Theory of Mind

Theory Of Mind AI is an advanced type of Artificial Intelligence. In psychology, these categories of machines are speculated to play a major role. This type of AI will concentrate primarily on emotional intelligence in order to better understand human beliefs and thoughts. 

It’s a fact that artificial emotional intelligence is an open area for researchers for more invention. However, to achieve the theory of mind level of Artificial Intelligence requires the development of advanced branches of AI. AI-powered machines have to interpret human minds better to predict their needs. It implies that the development of Artificial Intelligence machines should understand human requirements.


Self-aware AI

This is the final stage of Artificial Intelligence. Its present existence is only hypothetical and can only be found in science fiction films. The ultimate goal of all AI research is and will always be to create this type of AI, which is decades, if not centuries, away from materializing. Not only will this type of AI be able to understand and evoke emotions in those with whom it interacts, but it will also have its own emotions, needs, beliefs, and potential desires. While self-aware development can potentially boost our advancement as a civilization by leaps and bounds, it can also potentially lead to catastrophe. This is because the AI would be able to have ideas such as self-preservation once self-aware, which may spell the end for humanity directly or indirectly, as such an entity could easily outmaneuver any human being's intellect and plot elaborate schemes to take over humanity. 


These are the AI-based on functionality and now we Discuss types based on Capabilities: 


ANI(Artificial Narrow Intelligence)

ANI is one of the main forms of Artificial Intelligence. Narrow AI represents all the existing forms of AI that ranged from the most complex and proficient AI that has never been developed before. It is an Artificial Intelligence system which performs tasks autonomously with its human-like capabilities. Such AI-powered systems can only do what they have programmed to do. Therefore, ANI includes a narrow range of capabilities.

Hence, Narrow artificial intelligence is related to the types of reactive and limited memory AI. The ANI group includes the AI self-learning computer that uses machine learning algorithms and deep learning techniques.


AGI(Artificial General Intelligence)

An Artificial General Intelligence system has the ability to fully understand, recognize, study, and behave like humans. These AI systems will be able to build abilities on their own to form associations across domains. The total training time can be minimized by the AGI system. This will improve AI systems' ability to simulate multi-tasks just like humans.


ASI(Artificial Super Intelligence)

The development of Artificial Super Intelligence is likely to mark the pinnacle of AI research, as AGI is by far the most capable form of AI. In addition to replicating the multi-faceted intelligence of human beings, ASI will be extremely better at everything they do due to overwhelmingly greater memory, faster processing and interpretation of data, and decision-making capabilities. The development of AGI and ASI would lead to a scenario most generally referred to as singularity. And while it seems appealing to have such powerful machines at our hands, these machines can also threaten our existence or, at least, our way of life. Based on ability, the ASI system is the strongest one out of the 3 types of artificial intelligence.



We cannot deny the powerful Existence of Artificial Intelligence and its uses in our daily lives. No doubt that day by day AI is expanding and makes its own place in every sector. AI helps in shaping our lives better. We now understand various types of AI-based on both functionality and capability. We understood the differences between the types and how the understanding of the various types of AI would give us more clarity on the flow of development. In the field of AI, we have learned where we are now and what we aim for. With the help of AI, we are making our tasks easier and it bringing revolutionary challenges in Industry. 

Also Read: Best Artificial Intelligence App for Android and iOS

So these are the type of Artificial Intelligence that you should know but If you want to know more about Artificial Intelligence and want to start a career in Artificial Intelligence then join “Nearlearn”. Nearlearn is the Foremost Artificial Intelligence Training Institute in Bangalore and also the best Machine Learning Training Institute. They provide highly skilled trainers having 10+ years of industry experience in these filed. They provide both online training and classroom training facilities. After completion, of course, they help you to get placement in various companies and also provide internship facilities to their students. 


For more information contact us:


Sunday, September 20, 2020

12 Best Artificial Intelligence apps for Android and iOS

Nowadays Artificial Intelligence is the most demanding technology and it rising continuously in every sector. AI helps us in many ways and it reduces our lot of workloads and tasks. It not only implementing in businesses but also in mobile. The best things are that now we have the best AI Android and iOS apps. AI applications are there to help users to meet their daily targets and achieve their objectives and its AI apps have different functionality and their uses. Earlier we use a simple mobile phone that we only use for calling purposes but now it is not like that. We totally depend on smartphones and these AI apps make the smartphone more smarter and intelligent. In the recent past, AI-powered iOS and android solutions or apps have been rapidly emerging in the marketplace and the use of the smartphone is increasing, which is the main factor behind the growth of AI applications. AI has managed to penetrate into the development of iOS apps and the development of android apps. Every iOS app development company is looking for something more creative and bring an innovative idea to the market. So far, there have been some interesting AI-powered app releases for both Android as well as iOS smartphone segments.

Here we discuss about the best Artificial Intelligence apps for Android and iOS:


After launching window 10, Cortana is a familiar application to all. Cortana is the most popular AI application developed by Microsoft. The app that was available on Windows phones is now also available on Android phones. 

It helps you carry out tasks that require hands. For instance, you can schedule a meeting and Cortana can handle the remainder. It can also be used to submit emails, search for desired products, or anything on the Internet that you can find. However, in order to use Cortana, you need to sign in and use your Microsoft account. It can store your important data, such as videos, images, valuable files, and any personal data, and based on requirement It syncs your smartphone and personal computer.


Elsa is a common AI-powered app to learn how to speak English. Users of this app can learn to speak English and pronounce English terms with the help of short dialogues. AI provides them with immediate reviews so they can expect to improve quickly. It has several features required to get intermediate-level English knowledge. It was developed with voice recognition technology. This incredible function allows you to speak with correct American literary pronunciation in English. The app is free of cost and available on both Play Store and iTunes.


FaceApp is the most common AI-driven app available on both the Android and iOS platforms. It was founded by Facebook. This helps to turn existing images into an amazing photo. Through this smart app, you can change your whole look such as your smile, hairstyle, and give a totally different look.


Hound is another AI-powered voice assistant app, and it’s available both on Android and iOS. It is similar to Google Voice Search, you can use the Hound by speaking naturally and immediately showing results.  You can activate the app without using your finger or pressing the phone by saying 'ok hound.'

You may also use the Hound to find out the latest weather forecast or the weather forecast for the coming days. Ask the Hound to help you find the best food restaurants nearby, find movie shows, book an Uber trip, search the web for any keyword to get details.


Robin is another AI-based voice assistance app. For iOS and Android users, this software is a very common and popular AI application. It helps users to write and send text messages without touching the phone. Using this Robin app you will also get GPS navigation and next day reminders. This AI-driven app updates itself automatically to meet the users ' needs.

Google Allo

Google Allo is a smart messaging app that helps to send a message without typing. It just like a personal assistant that works as a messenger. It can perform a wide range of tasks, such as answering the query, adding events to the calendar, remembering details at a given time, find videos, and many more.


Polyword is a unique app that recognizes things around us. It's a perfect way to entertain yourself by identifying things around you while you're bored. Not only that, but it is also capable of translating the defined object into 30 different languages. This app will support translation in real-time, too.


Apttus is an AI-powered mobile application that can achieve e-commerce optimization by the integration of certain key platforms.  With the help of simplified searches, merchandising, and providing smooth site navigation, this app is able to enhance the aforementioned platforms. Improved operational efficiency is the key benefit obtained from this app, which is not only a challenging task but becomes much harder when teams are tax leaned.


Fyle is One of the best AI android apps that work as expense management. B2B accounting software is a repetitive activity that consistently needs to be tracked. The Fyle app is an AI-enabled app to track expenses. You can track your mileage, receipts, and expenditures and generate a report on your travel and expenses on time. It is a perfect app designed for small companies, accounting organizations, and other employees who spend a lot of time with spreadsheets.


You can quickly get into a conversation with strangers with Wysa. It is an AI-driven chatbot, and when you are alone, it's really helpful. This app allows you to start a conversation with confidence with the unknown people.

Answer Rocket

Answer Rocket is an Ai-driven app that is used by the users is for data discovery. All you have to do is ask the app a simple English question and it will give you a response that is filled with reports and charts related to the question posed to it. Using artificial intelligence in this application enables it to turn normal human language into a much business intelligence detailed answer. In short, it does the job of a simple business analyst. 


Socratic is the most popular homework and math assist apps for both iOS and Android users. This app allows you to do homework with best practices in less time. It has the best AI feature that can help students do their homework. You need to take a photo of your homework with your camera app and it will automatically send you the concepts that you need to learn to solve the problem in the correct way and in the shortest possible time.


Certainly, the above-mentioned apps represent the best of AI technology in use today. In the coming days, The AI-based App going to rule the market and will bring more apps with new innovative ideas.


Also Read: AI-Powered Test Automation tools and Advantage


So these are the best Artificial Intelligence apps for Android and iOS but If you also want to build and AI apps and want to start your career in Artificial Intelligence and want to do a course then join “Nearlearn”. Nearlearn is the Foremost Artificial Intelligence Training Institute in Bangalore and also the best Machine Learning Training Institute. They provide highly skilled trainers having 10+ years of industry experience in these filed. They provide both online training and classroom training facilities. After completion, of course, they help you to get placement in various companies and also provide internship facilities to their students. 


For more information contact us:


Sunday, September 13, 2020

AI-powered test Automation: Advantage and tools

In this digital era, Artificial Intelligence is the growing and most demanding technology. As we all know it revolutionizing in almost every industry. Mostly,  IT companies are using AI technologies, and nowadays the software development life cycle has become more complex and complicated. Most of the IT companies are facing so many challenges of delivering the projects with accuracy and efficiency, also creating a high-pressure environment for the project teams.

It becoming a headache for project teams to fulfill the client’s needs and requirements. Continuous testing is always a big headache for the project teams. 

Currently, the main focus of IT firms is to run more tests, find bugs, and deliver the project faster. It is also very clear that Artificial Intelligence is the key to streamlining software testing and making it more effective and smarter.

An AI-powered continuous testing platform can identify changed controls more effectively than a person, and even the smallest changes can be detected with constant updates to its algorithms.

When it comes to automation testing Artificial Intelligence is commonly used in the categorization of object implementations for all user interfaces. Here Recognized controls are classified when you build software, and testers are able to pre-train controls typically used in box setups. If the control hierarchy is observed, testers can create a technical map so that the AI looks at the Graphical User Interface ( GUI) to obtain labels for the various controls.

 Here, Some Advantage of AI in Software Testing:

 Improve Accuracy

A human can do so many mistakes while doing testing. Even the most diligent tester is expected to commit errors while doing monotonous manual testing. AI continuously completes important tasks exactly as planned, effectively performing the same repetitive tasks, and over time. While AI works on repetitive tasks, testing teams can do complicated tasks that can only be performed by humans and also focus on developing more efficient automated AI testing solutions.

 Going beyond the limits of manual testing

It is nearly impossible for software departments/Quality Analyst departments to execute a controlled web application test with 1000+ users. With automated testing, one can simulate tens, hundreds, or thousands of virtual user sets that can interact with a network, system, or web-based app.

 Improve Flexibility 

Even the simplest changes in an application can result in test failures in automation software since typical test scenarios consider a singular selector or path. Therefore, such testing approaches are somewhat rigid. AI allows a more flexible process of testing, learning relationships among different segments of documentations. Such systems can adapt automatically to any real-time changes, being both flexible and efficient.

 Increase in overall Test Coverage

With automated testing, one can increase the overall depth and scope of tests resulting in overall software quality improvements. Automated software testing will analyze memory and file contents, internal program states, and data tables to determine if the software is behaving as planned. With manual testing, all over test automation can make more than 1000 unique cases in each test, offering coverage beyond imagination.

 Help Both Tester and Developers

Tester and developers can use shared automated testing to quickly fix problems before moving on to Quality Assurance. If source code changes are checked in, software tests will run automatically and inform the developer team if not successful. Such features save valuable time for developers and improve their confidence levels.

 Performing Visual Testing

Patterns and image recognition helps AI to identify visual bugs by visual testing of applications and ensuring that all visual elements look and work correctly.  AI can identify complex UI controls irrespective of their size and shape and analyze them at a pixel level.

 Here, There are some AI-based test automation tools being used:


Testim uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to speed up an automatic test design, execution, and maintenance. This app runs on various browsers and platforms such as Chrome, Firefox, Edge, IE, Safari, and Ios. It focuses on reducing the flaky tests and test maintenance, which for most companies they see as one of the most important challenges.


TestCraft is an AI-powered test automation platform that works on top of Selenium for regression and continuous testing. It is also used to monitor web applications. The role of artificial intelligence ( AI ) technology is to reduce the time and cost of maintenance by automatically resolving changes in the app and the best thing about this app is that testers can visually create automated, Selenium-based tests using a drag and drop interface and run them simultaneously on different browsers and work environments and no coding skills required.


Applitools is used for visual User Interface testing, software monitoring, and visual management. It provides an end-to-end software testing framework powered by Visual AI and can be used by professionals engineers, test automation, QA manual, DevOps, and Digital Transformation teams. The AI and machine learning algorithms are both fully adaptive — it scans the screens of the apps and analyses them like the human eye and brain but with the power of a computer.


Functionize is an automated cloud-based testing platform that is used for functional, performance, and load testing — a one-stop-shop for all of the tests listed. This method also makes use of machine learning and artificial intelligence to accelerate test creation, diagnosis, and maintenance.

One of the best features of Functionize is that you don't have to think a lot before running a test- all you need to do is type what you want to test in plain English and NLP creates functional test cases. It also performs thousands of tests from both desktop and mobile browsers in minutes. If you're looking for a test automation tool, you certainly need to try Functionize.

 Sauce Labs

Sauce labs is another cloud-based test automation tool that leverages machine learning and AI.

It supports a comprehensive list of browsers and operating systems, mobile emulators and simulators, and mobile devices, as well as the speed at which its users need to test their applications. It also claims to be the largest continuous research platform in the world, providing more than 800 browser operating system combinations, 200 mobile emulators and simulators, and thousands of actual devices.


AI helps developers and tester in many ways. No doubt AI totally transforms the IT industry and helps developers to make their tasks easier and efficient with proper accuracy and it saves time and money as well. AI also helps developers to deliver projects on time without any technicals errors. These are only a few examples are mention above but if you see in reality, there are so many help that developers get from AI. In the coming days, AI will be the biggest booming industry.

Also Read: How to become an AI Engineer?

 So these are some advantages of AI in software testing and some important tools but If you want to start your career in Artificial Intelligence and want to do a course then join “Nearlearn”. Nearlearn is the Foremost Artificial Intelligence Training Institute in Bangalore and also the best Machine learning training Institute. They provide highly skilled trainers having 10+ years of industry experience in these filed. They provide both online training and classroom training facilities. After completion, of course, they help you to get placement in various companies and also provide internship facilities to their students. 

 For more information contact us:


Monday, September 7, 2020

How to become an AI Engineer?

 Nowadays, The Demand for Artificial Intelligence is increasing day by day and most of the engineering students want to become an AI Engineer. In the coming days, AI will revolutionize all industries and will rise in demand for AI in every sector. Therefore the demand for the job for AI is increasing. As per the report, AI will create a Business value worth around US$4 trillion by 2022. There are several artificial intelligence experts coming forward and distributing their projects. The reality is that it is not so easy to become an Artificial Engineer, but the positive thing is if the candidates are already aware of different programming languages, basic concepts in computer science, and technology resources, then it's good to go on learning and expecting an Artificial Intelligence Engineer.


What Does AI Engineer do?


AI Engineers build AI models and work on a variety of projects and by depending on the role, the main responsibility of the job could be:- 

  • computer programming languages such as Java, Python or C, 
  • working with data, algorithms, and good knowledge in statistics, 
  • Using data modeling and evaluation strategies
  • Work with Robotics team
  • Perform AI/ML Testing
  • Applying Machine Learning algorithms and libraries
  • Research and Design Deep Learning algorithms
  • AI Engineers have a good understanding of Data Science
  • Convert machine learning models into application program interfaces ( APIs), so that it can be used by other applications

But there are many AI engineers who may work on different projects for example if they are working on self-driving car projects there could be elements of computer vision, creating deep learning models, sensor fusion, and programming languages.


Step To Becoming and AI Engineer


Earn an Educational Qualification 


To become an AI Engineer first you have to take the right qualification and you need to earn a bachelor’s degree because it is the most important part of the journey to becoming an AI engineer. 

Education required:

  • Bachelor’s degree in IT, Computer Science, Statistics, Data Science, Finance, Economics, etc.
  • Master’s degree in Computer Science, Mathematics, Cognitive Science, Data Science, etc.
  • Certifications in Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Machine Learning, etc.

Programming Skill


Programming is the first skill needed to become an AI Engineer and you have to become proficient in programming languages. You need to choose one or more languages that will help you discover the AI capabilities and apply them. Some of the many languages that work well with AI such as Java, Python, C++, Lisp, R, Prolog, etc. to build and implement models.

You can also start with Java or C++, but you'll face multitasking and portability issues. But Also, Python will not be so enough, so we suggest, better start with Python or R and finally move to learn algorithms.

Statistical knowledge/calculus/Algebra 


Coming to statistical knowledge, you must be intimately familiar with the vectors, and matrixes. If you understand derivatives and integrals, you have to be in the clear. Statistics is going to come up a lot. You also need to have a firm understanding of the probability of understanding models such as Naive Bayes, Gaussian Mixture Models, Hidden Markov models. you will need detailed knowledge of statistics, calculus, or algebra, and probability to improve your AI program.


Algorithms and Applied Mathematics


To become a successful AI Engineer, You must have in-depth knowledge of algorithm theory and how algorithms work. Artificial Intelligence would need you to know subjects like Gradient Descent, Lagrange, Quadratic Programming, Partial Differential Equation, etc. At first, all these maths can seem intimidating if you've been away from it for a while. Be prepared, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence are much more math-intensive than advances at the top.


Natural Language processing


Natural Language Processing combines two main fields of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence: Linguistics and Computer Science. You have a very high chance to work with either text, audio, or video. So it is important to have good control over libraries such as Gensim, TextBlob, Core NLP, NLTK, and techniques such as word2vec, Sentimental Analysis, and Summarization.


Neural Networks


At times, we may need Machine Learning for tasks that are too complicated for the developer to code directly.  It is here where the neural networks come in. Neural networks are modeled after the human brain, capable of identifying numerical patterns based on sensory input.

Naturally, the Artificial Intelligence field has evolved single-layer neural networks into Deep Learning neural networks, in which data is passed through several layers for more complex pattern recognition. Deep neural networks have by far been the most effective way to tackle complex problems, such as Translation, Speech Recognition, and Image Classification, which play a very important role in AI. 


Communication and problem-solving skills


AI developers need to interact effectively with stakeholders in order to sell their products and ideas. They should also have outstanding problem-solving skills to overcome barriers for decision-making and draw valuable insights for business.


Analytical Skills


To become a successful AI Engineer, you have to quickly check the numbers and data. This requires analytical thinking. You must have to ask questions to the data analytics team to ascertain the feasibility of data and brainstorm with the key stakeholders.


 Spark and Big Data Technologies


AI engineers work with large volumes of data in terabytes or petabytes which could be streaming or real-time production-level data. To make sense of such data, those engineers need to know about Spark and other big data technologies. Other Big Data technologies, such as Hadoop, Cassandra, and MongoDB, can also be used along with Apache Spark.


Business Acumen


The most successful, also common, Artificial Intelligence projects require working on the front and solving weak pain points. Whichever sector you are in, you need to be aware of the market, the consumers, and the way the core business works. If you do not have the business acumen to convert your technological ideas into a successful business model then it would be less beneficial to have such technical skills.


Certification course


To be an AI engineer, it is highly recommended that you complete a certification course in data science, machine learning or artificial intelligence. These certifications will add value to your CV and help you gain in-depth knowledge of AI topics, along with hiking up your pay to match the salary of an AI Engineer.


Also Read: How Artificial Intelligence can Impact Cyber Security


So here you can see the process to become an AI Engineer. If you want to start your career in Artificial Intelligence and want to do a certification course to add value to your CV then join “Nearlearn”. Nearlearn is the Foremost Artificial Intelligence Training Institute in Bangalore and also the best Machine Learning Training Institute. They provide highly skilled trainers having 10+ years of industry experience in these filed. They provide both online training and classroom training facilities. After completion, of course, they help you to get placement in various companies and also provide internship facilities to their students. 


For more information contact us:


How Artificial Intelligence is Reshaping IT Industry?

  As we all people are aware of Artificial Intelligence technology that how it is reshaping many industries and taking into a new era of inn...