Sunday, September 27, 2020

Different Types of Artificial Intelligence that you should know

Nowadays Artificial Intelligence is the most trending and challenging technology and it is expanding in every sector. Now AI becomes part of our everyday life and it plays a vital role in shaping our lives for the better. Every outstanding application of Artificial intelligence is attracting the tech industries. But still many people don’t know about Artificial Intelligence that what exactly it is, how it works, what its importance, etc. The main objective of Artificial Intelligence is to enable machines to perform a function like humans. AI is not an old concept. Today, With what started merely as a theory in the early 1950s, we have various applications based on various types of artificial. The rapid growth and outstanding capabilities of Artificial Intelligence have increased its necessity. AI transforms every company vertically and offers tremendous benefits. This trend has made AI technology the most popular technology in the market. Also, a strong belief in the public that Artificial Intelligence is close to reaching its peak levels is growing.


So let us discuss different types of Artificial Intelligence that you should know.

There are basically 2 types of Artificial Intelligence

  1. Based on Functionality

·        Reactive Machine

·        Limited theory

·        Theory of Mind

·        Self-Aware AI

2.               Based on Capabilities

·        ANI(Artificial Narrow Intelligence)

·        AGI(Artificial General Intelligence)

·        ASI(Artificial Super Intelligence)


Let us discuss the type of AI-Based on Functionality:


Reactive Machine

These are the oldest and simplest type of AI systems that have extremely limited ability. This is the first stage of the AI system. There is no memory power for this type of AI, so they lack the ability to use previously acquired information/experience to obtain better results. Therefore, these types of AI do not have the ability to train themselves. These machines are used to give a response to the limited input combinations. With the experience gained previously, these systems can't improve their performance.

For Example, IBM's supercomputer for chess is the perfect example of these types of machines. It is famous for defeating world champion Garry Kasparov in the 1990s.


Limited Theory

Limited memory machines can learn from previous experiences to make perfect decisions, unlike reactive machines.  This AI category will cover almost every existing AI application. Vast data trains all existing AI-based machines that use machine learning and deep learning techniques. Such information is stored in system memory and has helped to solve future problems. 

For example, self-driving cars use sensors to identify people crossing the road, steep roads, traffic signals, and many more to make better driving decisions. It helps to avoid all future accidents.


Theory of Mind

Theory Of Mind AI is an advanced type of Artificial Intelligence. In psychology, these categories of machines are speculated to play a major role. This type of AI will concentrate primarily on emotional intelligence in order to better understand human beliefs and thoughts. 

It’s a fact that artificial emotional intelligence is an open area for researchers for more invention. However, to achieve the theory of mind level of Artificial Intelligence requires the development of advanced branches of AI. AI-powered machines have to interpret human minds better to predict their needs. It implies that the development of Artificial Intelligence machines should understand human requirements.


Self-aware AI

This is the final stage of Artificial Intelligence. Its present existence is only hypothetical and can only be found in science fiction films. The ultimate goal of all AI research is and will always be to create this type of AI, which is decades, if not centuries, away from materializing. Not only will this type of AI be able to understand and evoke emotions in those with whom it interacts, but it will also have its own emotions, needs, beliefs, and potential desires. While self-aware development can potentially boost our advancement as a civilization by leaps and bounds, it can also potentially lead to catastrophe. This is because the AI would be able to have ideas such as self-preservation once self-aware, which may spell the end for humanity directly or indirectly, as such an entity could easily outmaneuver any human being's intellect and plot elaborate schemes to take over humanity. 


These are the AI-based on functionality and now we Discuss types based on Capabilities: 


ANI(Artificial Narrow Intelligence)

ANI is one of the main forms of Artificial Intelligence. Narrow AI represents all the existing forms of AI that ranged from the most complex and proficient AI that has never been developed before. It is an Artificial Intelligence system which performs tasks autonomously with its human-like capabilities. Such AI-powered systems can only do what they have programmed to do. Therefore, ANI includes a narrow range of capabilities.

Hence, Narrow artificial intelligence is related to the types of reactive and limited memory AI. The ANI group includes the AI self-learning computer that uses machine learning algorithms and deep learning techniques.


AGI(Artificial General Intelligence)

An Artificial General Intelligence system has the ability to fully understand, recognize, study, and behave like humans. These AI systems will be able to build abilities on their own to form associations across domains. The total training time can be minimized by the AGI system. This will improve AI systems' ability to simulate multi-tasks just like humans.


ASI(Artificial Super Intelligence)

The development of Artificial Super Intelligence is likely to mark the pinnacle of AI research, as AGI is by far the most capable form of AI. In addition to replicating the multi-faceted intelligence of human beings, ASI will be extremely better at everything they do due to overwhelmingly greater memory, faster processing and interpretation of data, and decision-making capabilities. The development of AGI and ASI would lead to a scenario most generally referred to as singularity. And while it seems appealing to have such powerful machines at our hands, these machines can also threaten our existence or, at least, our way of life. Based on ability, the ASI system is the strongest one out of the 3 types of artificial intelligence.



We cannot deny the powerful Existence of Artificial Intelligence and its uses in our daily lives. No doubt that day by day AI is expanding and makes its own place in every sector. AI helps in shaping our lives better. We now understand various types of AI-based on both functionality and capability. We understood the differences between the types and how the understanding of the various types of AI would give us more clarity on the flow of development. In the field of AI, we have learned where we are now and what we aim for. With the help of AI, we are making our tasks easier and it bringing revolutionary challenges in Industry. 

Also Read: Best Artificial Intelligence App for Android and iOS

So these are the type of Artificial Intelligence that you should know but If you want to know more about Artificial Intelligence and want to start a career in Artificial Intelligence then join “Nearlearn”. Nearlearn is the Foremost Artificial Intelligence Training Institute in Bangalore and also the best Machine Learning Training Institute. They provide highly skilled trainers having 10+ years of industry experience in these filed. They provide both online training and classroom training facilities. After completion, of course, they help you to get placement in various companies and also provide internship facilities to their students. 


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