Sunday, November 29, 2020

How AI will impact and Digitize the Accounting and Finance Industry?

 As we all know that nowadays, every industry are adopting Artificial Intelligence, and the Finance industry are also one of them.  No doubt, we are moving towards digitalization, and AI plays a very important role in the digital transformation of the accounting and finance industry. It reduces so many financial tasks and it reduces the burden of repetitive and time-consuming tasks. In Business, AI becomes very essential for every businessman. Finance and accounting are very important in every business sector and finance professionals maintain all accounts. The role of finance professionals is to record and maintain a report of every financial transaction of business and also they face so many issues related to accounts like errors in a financial transaction, audit mistakes, and procurements process error, and many more. But after the implementation of AI in accounting, Finance professionals performing their tasks more efficiently without any errors. In the accounting and finance sector, the digital transformation using AI is incredible. AI accounting software brings a drastic change in every company. 

So let’s see how AI will impact and Digitize the Accounting and Finance Industry: 

Automation of Accounting Tasks:

The use of robotic process automation for repetitive high-frequency tasks removes the space for human error and allows a financial institution to refocus staff efforts on processes that require human participation. Ernst & Young has reported a 50% -70%  cost reduction, and Forbes calls it a "Gateway Drug To Digital Transformation."

Artificial intelligence automates the processes of accounting far and wide. By reducing costs, it maintains operational efficiency. As automation enters every corner of a business, financial companies are also adopting the digital transformation that will benefit from technological innovations. For example, Xero, an accounting firm, has introduced the Find & Recode algorithm that automates the tasks and by scanning code corrections, it finds common patterns. Using the algorithm, when reviewing 50 invoices, 90% more accurate results were found. 


Expense claim auditing is another transactional finance activity that could benefit from AI-enhanced automation. Employees in finance must ensure that receipts are valid, match amounts claimed, and are in accordance with company policy. While using state-of-the-art travel-and-expense solutions will simplify the claim process, the auditing is still manual. 

The level of protection is improved by digitization in the audit process. The auditors can monitor any file that is accessed by using a digital tracker. Rather than searching all paper files, the digital files can help auditors in the audit work. Therefore the digitization approach of auditing offers increased accuracy of audits. Therefore, artificial accounting and auditing intelligence help to monitor the company's every financial activity. AI-powered audits are more accurate and flawless. 

AI chatbots:

Chatbots is leading technology which enabling the customers to use banking services with voice commands. In order to answer queries, the Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS) helps process requests and connect users with different banking services and provides the necessary information. AI-driven chatbots are developed to effectively resolve user queries. The quiries can include the latest account balance information, statements, credit bills, and account status, etc. In this ways AI help Accoutant in many ways. 


When it comes to filing the procurement and buying methods of the company, there is a lot of paperwork involved. It is important to maintain a large number of records on systems that are not connected to each other. The procurement process will be automated as AI-machines process unstructured data by using APIs


Blockchain technology would allow users to get to the fine records, create smart contracts and record transactions, and it is anticipated that accountant practitioners will be alerted by the system and also the blockchain is set up to incorporate the benefit of the payment process, which speeds up the payment process by maximising assistance and satisfaction.

AI in Credit Decisions:

Artificial Intelligence offers a faster, more reliable, lower-cost evaluation of a potential borrower and accounts for aider variety  of factors, leading to a better-informed, data-backed decision. Compared to those used in conventional credit scoring systems, credit scoring offered by AI is based on more complex and sophisticated rules. They will help to identify applicants who are more likely to default and others who lack any credible credit history. AI holds great potential, and business leaders are left to make the smartest decisions with the right data. Digital banks and loan-issuing applications use AI algorithms to use alternative data to determine loan eligibility and provide personalized option.

Risk Management:

Artificial intelligence plays a important role in managing risk. Algorithms may be used for risk cases to examine case history and find any possible issues. This includes using machine learning to create accurate models that allow financial experts to track real patterns and notice potential risks. These models can also ensure that more reliable information is obtained for use in future models. The use of Artificial Intelligence in risk management means that vast amounts of data can be subject to powerful processing in a shorter period of time. It is also be managed both structured and unstructured knowledge with cognitive computing. All this would otherwise be equal to long hours of work for human teams.

Working in cloud technology:

In the cloud, a powerful technology trend is currently running. The cloud provides immediate access to computing abilities and data.  The regular updating of data which helps accountants to evaluate information and make strong decisions based on data is a major benefit of a cloud-based system. In addition, as reported in the Journal of Accountancy, "cloud-based technology can also ensure constant monitoring, rather than intermittent analysis," whenever computer data is updated."

Monthly/Quarterly cash Flows:

The AI-powered machines can collect data and integrate the data from several sources. It not only AI software, devices, or AI apps speed up your processes, but they also make your financial processes accurate and secure.  AI-powered computers can quickly collect and consolidate your monthly, quarterly, or annual cash flows.

AI and Fraud Detection:

AI is particularly effective in preventing credit card fraud, which has grown exponentially in recent years as e-commerce and online transactions have increased. Fraud detection systems analyse the behaviour, location, and purchasing habits of customers and trigger a safety mechanism when something seems out of order and contradicts the spending pattern that has been established. All cases of use in fraud management have different criteria for AI algorithms, but they are used somewhat differently in each case. Transaction monitoring includes faster response time, error rates and accuracy, and the availability and consistency of training data. 


Nowadays, Artificial Intelligence totally changing the accounting process and finance industry. AI-powered systems help accountants to maintain a large amount of transactions and record data. In the coming days, It reduces so many workloads and burden of accountants and take our finance industry in a new direction. AI is bringing a revolution in the finance industry. 

Also Read: HowArtificial Intelligence is impacting Automotive Industry?

So here you can see how artificial intelligence will impact and Digitize the Accounting and Finance Industry, Apart from this if you want to start your career in Artificial Intelligence and want to do a course then join “Nearlearn”. Nearlearn is the Foremost Artificial Intelligence Training Institute in Bangalore and also the best Machine Learning Training Institute. They provide highly skilled trainers having 10+ years of industry experience in these filed. They provide both online training and classroom training facilities. After completion, of course, they help you to get placement in various companies and also provide internship facilities to their students.


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