Sunday, May 31, 2020

Interesting Facts About Artificial Intelligence that might surprise you

Artificial intelligence has received a lot of attention and a huge amount of recognition in the past years. Nowadays many sectors are adopting AI technologies to enhance and boost their businesses.
Before further processing, we discuss about the history of Artificial Intelligence. In 1950, Alan Turing publishes “Computing Machinery and Intelligence” in which he proposed a test. The test can check whether a machine is capable of human intelligence behavior or not, called a Turing Test. After that John McCarthy, an American computer scientist introduced the term “Artificial Intelligence” in the year 1955. In 1961, The first Robot is introduced on an assembly line at general motors. Then In 1965, Joseph Weizenbaum has created the first Chatbot, which was named “ELIZA”. In 1997, IBM’s Deep Blue, a chess-playing computer becomes the first computer to beat a world chess champion, Garry Kasparov and In 2009, google starts building a self-driving car. This is how we are moving towards a technological world with innovations.

Let us discuss the Interesting facts about Artificial Intelligence:

Most AI Bots are Female: Most of the AI industry consists of fembots. Studies show that most people are attracted to the female voice as compared to the male voice. For Example, If you ask Siri, Alexa, or your bank’s Voice assistance a question, most likely, you will get a response by a pleasant and polite female’s voice. That is why most of the AI bots are programmed with the female voice.

The Artificial Intelligence Market will be worth a lot: As per the PWC report, AI will contribute $15.7 trillion to the global economy by 2030. AI will make products and services better, and the global GDP could rise by 14 percent.

2025, AI pets will exist: Although real pets are lovable, they have a few downsides. They need to be fed, cleaned up, and taking care of. But AI pets will be robots that will look, feel, and act like real animals. Few AI-driven pets will become widely available in the coming 2025.

Sony created a robotic dog named “Aibo”, one of its First Toys to buy and play. It is able to express emotions and also able to recognize its owner. This was the first of its kind, but today you will find more expensive and advanced models.

AI-Based Self-Driving Car Market Is Expected to Reach $127B: The self-driving car market is expected to be worth worldwide by the end of 2027 and these things will possible only because of AI technology. Nvidia has already built its own AI-driven computer to support driverless cars and One of the most important facts about this intelligence is that the AI assistant in these cars will capable to drive just like human drivers.

Nautilus - The Future Teller: Nautilus is a supercomputer that has the power to predict the future and it becomes famous when it was able to locate most wanted terrorist Osama Bin Laden.

AI can read you Mind: Alter Ego is created by MIT Media and it is a mind-reading AI wearable that lets you communicate with devices, AI assistants, application, and other people without speaking any words.

AI robots can heal themselves: European Research council at Vrije Universiteit Brussel built self-healing soft AI-based robots consisting of flexible material that enables them to heal themselves. These soft Robots are not just soft and flexible, making them safe for human interactions but also self-repairs any injuries

Robots will have citizenship rights:  Everyone knows about Sophia. She is the First AI-based robots. Sophia is the first robot to get citizenship in a county. She is not only the first robot to become Saudi Arabia citizens, but also has more rights than any other woman in Saudi Arabia.

Artificial Intelligence is much like Humans: Some scientists expect artificial intelligence systems to be as smart as a human by 2035. But in the coming 2060, AI could start performing nearly all the tasks like humans do and doing them much better than humans.

AI: A Fierce Board Game Player: In 1997, IBM’s Deep Blue, a chess-playing computer becomes the first computer to beat a world chess champion, Garry Kasparov.  In another example, two artificial intelligence programs have finally proved that AI can beat human professional card players. In one of our most famous games, AI programs knew when to keep, and when to fold the cards.

AI able to hear, sense, emotion, and speak: Before Sophia, an expressive robot called Kismet. It could see, hear, sense, emotion, and speak, using its eyes and mouth to express emotions just like humans. 

3D Painting: University of Minnesota, Minneapolis have 3D printed a prototype bionic eye. The device is an array of a semiconductor, photodetector, made of polymers, printed on a Glass hemisphere.
Researchers in Groningen, Netherland have developed not just a 3D printed tooth but one that kills Bacteria 
Scientists at Princeton University, Princeton have 3D printed “bionic ears” that combine a small coil antenna with cartilage. The ear can able to “hear” radio frequencies far beyond the range of normal human capability.

The concept of AI has been around since the 1940s and After that John McCarthy has introduced the term “Artificial Intelligence”. Basically, there are so many facts about Artificial Intelligence that blows your mind, and today many more inventions are still yet to come related to AI. Gartner claims that Artificial Intelligence will not only automates people out of work but create nearly 2.3 million jobs by 2022. The net increase of 500,000 new jobs is being achieved and In the coming 2025, AI will be expected to become a $60 billion dollar industry. By 2045, it is expected to surpass the human-level intelligence. In the coming days, there will be the biggest change in technologies and some more amazing facts will arise only because of Artificial Intelligence.  

Actually, there are so many interesting facts about Artificial Intelligence that we don’t know. If you want to know more interesting facts and want to take courses in Artificial Intelligence then join” Nearlearn”. Nearlearn is the best Artificial Intelligence Training Institute in Bangalore and also provide a Best Machine Learning Training Course in Bangalore. They provide trainers having 10+ years of industry experience in this field. After completion, of course, they provide placement support to their students.

For more information visit our site:

Sunday, May 24, 2020

How Artificial Intelligence Change The Way of Communication

With the evolution of AI, Technologies are changing and our ways of communication are also changing. Communication is an important part of the human experience. Technology has a great role behind making communication much more natural and far-reaching, such as phones and telefaxes machines. Artificial Intelligence has been incorporated slowly into our life from Siri in iPhone to Alexa, voice-enabled devices have evolved the way people talk to their devices. Chatbots, omnichannel communications, and targeted marketing campaigns have changed how customers interact with businesses. Also Smartphones have changed the way many customers communicate with companies quickly. Customers have the same propensity to e-mail, talk, or link to social media.
AI who helps the user to search information online by talking to it directly and there no need to type out what you want to search online We can even talk to Siri just like a normal human being, and it quickly responds perfectly just as a human does like asking Siri to say a joke and it will say it or to say play a song for me and it will play songs according to your mood.
If we talking about communication then how we can forget Sophia. Today we successfully developed robots like humans. It’s not a dream but a reality when First time the world meet Sophia, It is the First Artificial Intelligence Robot who can speak, think, have feeling and able to respond to question directly just how we human do.
If we are able to teach robots to recognize what makes the audience respond (trust, engage, listen, act) and then equip the robot or computer to measure all the factors in those communications (how we use our words, voices, gestures) that may affect those responses, then we can use data science and algorithms to build an intellectual machine that can enhance how we communicate.

 So here we discuss how AI will change all our communication.

AI in the Workplace
Communication in the workplace is critical for all business operations. In many cases, AI has changed business communication to transform whole sectors and their functions. There are cross-platform compatible tools and apps that allow efficient and fast communication across all business departments. Employees can relay information among themselves, to customers, and to the general public often on a single device. Many messaging tools provide automation and bots which can help in setting reminder alerts, scheduling, organizing tasks and priorities, and even set automated responses for replying to emails. This automation reduces downtime on repetitive and temporary activities and gives employees time to focus on the more challenging subjects. In this way, AI allows for increased productivity and cooperation for business operations. AI and automation can be incorporated into communications tools, projects, and customer service systems, which make it faster and easier to communicate with a business.

Enhance Customer Experiences
Smart interactions save time by helping customers find the right information and respond to questions. AI-powered chatbots are used for automating communication, for simulating contact with another person. They can be utilized in many ways to communicate with customers, including answering questions or offering shopping assistance. Customers get benefits from quick services, while the contact center agent is relieved to focus on solving more complicated requests. Chatbot learns from every conversation with the customers and It goes through the previous interaction to improve the current response. This activity helps to improve the efficiency of bot response and also helps to understand your customer’s choices and preferences.

Artificial Intelligence in Communications and Brand Compliance
Artificial intelligence can be programmed to react in a similar way to a scenario without the uncertainty of emotional or heated responses. An AI chatbot is programmed to correctly respond to certain keywords, phrases, or situations that are consistent with the brand or company’s guidelines. 

AI Across Generation
Older modes of communication rapidly becomes outdated due to tremendous changes in AI.
The older generations are enjoying the ease in which they can email and post on social media while new generations are driving to new forms of communication. The newer generations are moving towards innovation because they are born into this technological era, and therefore they are very technologically skilled because they grew up in the worlds of technologies and emerging technologies, it is easy to gain exposure and adapt to AI and IoT. Younger generations are able to chat and send pictures and videos to their grandparents and vice versa. In addition, this connectivity is instant and allowing more regular interactions not only between families but for all people with internet connections.

AI Assisting Humanitarian Efforts
AI and its communication advancement are extremely helpful for disaster relief. Real-time mapping can be show organizations where it is too risky to go, and where the ideal location would be to plan for their relief. Google People Finder has been created to allow people to post and search for disaster posts to make it easier to warn people who may be able to help to inform others who are not affected. Survivors can reveal their location or, for family members and emergency services, whether or not they are injured. Furthermore, Predictive analytics can also be used to predict weather conditions in order to prevent people from better forecast floods, fires, and earthquakes to warn people-minimize human injury and disaster loss.

Artificial Intelligence totally changes the ways of our communications. AI is improving every day and each improvement is bringing easier communication, more comfortable, or more effective for people. Artificial intelligence is providing new methods to personalize communications and increase operational efficiency. Artificial Intelligence is literally changing how we are working and communicating.

This is how Artificial Intelligence brings changes in every sector and also brings new ways of communication and change our daily lifestyle. Also, many jobs opening are there for Artificial Intelligence. If you want to start a career in Artificial Intelligence then join “Nearlearn”. Nearlearn is the Best ArtificialIntelligence Training Institute in Bangalore and also the best Machine learning training Institute in Bangalore. They provide trainers having 10+ years of industry experience in this field. After completion, of course, they provide placement support to their students in various companies and also provide 24/7 students support.

For more information visit our site:

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Use of Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing and Marketing

If you see around you at home you would found so many products and things. Just think about those products and things that how it would have been manufactured and how it came into the markets. From manufacturing to the marketing of product there is a huge involvement of Artificial Intelligence. If you visit any factories then you will see so many machines are installed for Manufacturing and different machines perform different tasks. After that those products came to markets and through the different types of marketing we came to know about those products. All of these things possible only because of Artificial Intelligence. Without this, we Can’t do anything. 
Before furthering the process, we will discuss the short description of Artificial Intelligence.
Artificial Intelligence is defined as the implementation of some aspects of human abilities such as capable of thinking, learning, object, speech, and image recognization as we do. It became widely utilized to enhance business and customer satisfaction.

Lets us discuss how the product is manufactured with the help of Ai and then how it comes into the markets.  

Use of Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing

If you visit any manufacturing industries of textile, plastics, steel, products, foods, etc. then you will found the list of a problem that can be solved by the technology like unskilled workforce, the security of data, supply chain, autonomous monitoring, managing factory from the phone, quality inspection, generative designs. Quality control is one of the biggest challenges for the manufacturing industries and if we talk about a quality inspection of products then it helps in checking whether the product is defective or good. The method of doing this is a visual inspection. It basically checks the product with the help of AI. we found the same quality of products and taste only because of AI. Artificial Intelligence algorithms used to calculate the exact figure, taste, size, pattern, of products, and manufactured products without any changes. 
AI performs in the manufacturing process to quality control, shorten design time, reduce the waste of material and many more. With AI adoption, they can make quick data-driven decisions, optimize manufacturing processes, reduce operating costs, and enhance customer service.

How Artificial Intelligence can help manufacturers to boost the efficiency of production:

Quality Control Using Computer Vision
Computer vision is used to observe the production process and identify defects such as microscopic cracks in manufacturing equipment. High-resolution cameras record the manufacturing process and inspect the tools to find microscopic flaws in the product. The system recognizes the microscopic defects and sends alerts signals. 

Generative Designs
AI plays a significant role in changing the way manufacturing companies design products using generative design. It is an iterative design method that involves detailed design information as input to the AI algorithms. This information can involve several design parameters including production process, product material types, time, and budget constraints. Taking all these parameters into consideration, The algorithm examines every possible permutation of a solution and provides the most suitable output solutions.

In Manufacturing industries, a large number of robotics devices are being used to handle the manufacturing process and production. A typical application of robots includes welding, painting, packaging, labeling, product inspection, and testing. Manufacturing robots automate repetitive tasks, reduce margins of error to negligible rates, and enable human workers to focus on more productive areas of the operation.

So above we discussed the few points that how AI is used in the manufacturing process and now we will discuss how these products came into the market and how AI used in Marketing.

Use of Artificial Intelligence in Marketing
In this digital world, Artificial Intelligence totally changes marketing strategies. Artificial intelligence helps the marketer to create highly personalized consumer experiences that cost far less than traditional high-dollar campaigns. Many marketers and agencies want to expand their businesses through digital reach. They are using AI tools to implement innovative ideas in Marketing to react to maximum customers and enhance their business. 

Here we discuss how Artificial Intelligence used in Marketing:

Optimize Digital Advertising campaigns
AI tools help advertisers take them a further step for deeper insight and analysis. AI record the abundance of consumer data hidden in keyword searches, social profiles, and other online data, for smarter and more effective digital ads and make a better consumer experience.

Customer Service Via Chatbots
An AI phenomenon known as chatbots can help business. It is quite easy to use and allowing customers to communicate with your business and also allows your business to serve more clients with fewer resources and efforts. A chatbot helps you to stay in touch with your audience, keeping people engaged and provides you regular updates about business and products.

Audience Insight
Many Analytical tools provide information about customer preferences and purchasing behaviors, but the AI-based tool allows you to use these data appropriately to deliver the right message at the right time.AI not only helps to establish a better customer experience but also collect information from different sources to produce valuable insights about their customers. By using these information businesses also attract new customers by understanding the way their potential customers interact with other similar businesses.

AR/VR Technology
Today, customers are being able to experience products or services before purchasing through AR/VR technology. Through VR/AR technology, many marketers are able to create a prototype of the products and show it to interested clients. They can able to not only see the exact sizes of everything but also feel the texture of the product as well. For example, if you construct a building then before construction you can create a prototype of the building and you can able to see the exact shape and size of the building after construction how it will look like.  

Artificial Intelligence is used in every sector and also highly used in manufacturing industries. It helps the business to manufacture large amounts of products in very less time and reduce the cost of production. After manufacturing, marketers are using AI tools for marketing purposes and enhancing their businesses and improving customer experience.

We all know that we all depending on Machines and technologies. In the coming days, Almost every sector will need AI technologies and it will be the biggest boom in industries and also there will be so many job vacancies in various companies with a good salary package. If you want to know about Artificial Intelligence and want to start a career in this field the join “Nearlearn”. Nearlearn is the top best Artificial Intelligence Training Institute in Bangalore and also the best Machine Learning Training Institute in Bangalore. They provide Trainers having 10+ years of Industries experience in this filed. After completion, of course, they provide placement support to their students where you will able to get practical knowledge, and also you will able to know which sectors AI will be needed. you will have been handle so many projects related to AI. This will help you to become more proficient in the field of AI.

For more information visit our site:

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Beneficial Impact of Artificial Intelligence in Economy, Healthcare, and Education

Nowadays, Artificial intelligence is generally considered as transformative development and this development not only in a particular sector but in every sector. As we see there are so many beneficial impacts of AI in every sector and one of these major impacts in Economy, Education, and Healthcare. 
We all are moving towards innovations and technological environments. We are improving our work capacity and making our works easy without doing any physical activities and all of these things are possible with the help of Machines. As researchers continue to develop the efficiency and reliability of AI, the application AI into industries are rising exponentially, and the effect is incalculable.
Here we discuss the beneficial impacts of AI in Economy, Education, and Healthcare.

Impact of Artificial Intelligence in Economy
Artificial intelligence is globally perceived as the fundamental of future development and productivity, innovation, competitiveness, and job creation for the 21st century. With the help of AI technologies, we developed our marketing strategies through proper planning, predictive analysis, forecasting. Every business do all these things to understand customer behavior and enhance the sale. These things help to boost the economy and GDP rate. AI will steadily raise its current worldwide economic output to about US$13 trillion by 2030. As reported by Mckinsey Global Institute study on the impact of AI on the global economy in 2018 that an average contribution to the productivity growth between now and 2030 will approximately 1.2%. A boost of this size indicates the vast technological advancements are expected to be made as well. This will create benefits aside from the monetary value and increased trade between countries. 

The efficiency of AI can impact many parts of the economy such as manufacturing, production. It promotes entrepreneurship and new jobs which help to boost an economy. AI ensuring that significant resources are available for long-term growth. It is also certain that leading companies in these countries will achieve and retain an even more noteworthy lead in the global economic sector, giving them a major competitive advantage.
Conventional wisdom proposes that Artificial Intelligence will continue to help higher-skilled workers with a more prominent level of flexibility, creativity, and strong problem-solving skills. AI-powered robots will help to improve productivity and competition level of the country which help to raise trade between countries and enhance the GDP rate.

Impact of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare
AI technology has shown some improvement in healthcare. If we talking about Healthcare, Doctors, and physician are using Machines for treatments of the patient. AI increases the ability of healthcare professionals to better understand their everyday experiences and need of the people they care for and with that understanding they able to provide feedback and guidance support for staying healthy. AI has been utilized for medical diagnosis. Recently, Stanford University researchers have created an AI algorithm that can identify and diagnose skin cancer cells.

As we can see AI is the ability to designs treatment plans, such as improving the organization of treatment plans, data collection to provide better treatment plans, and monitoring treatments. AI has the ability to quickly identify signs of disease in medical images, like MRI, CT scans, ultrasound, and x-rays, and therefore allows faster diagnostics by reducing the time patients wait for a diagnosis from weeks. It also reduces the cost of treatment. Physicians are also taking advantage of AI for developing medicines. AI tools use data from the patient’s medical records, daily evaluations, and measurements of vital signs in real-time, such as heart rate, sugar level, and blood pressure, and by analyzing these data to alert doctors about patient risks so they can immediately take preventive actions.

Impact of Artificial Intelligence in Education
If you compare today’s education system to an earlier education system then you will found so many changes and innovations. Our education systems are continuously developing and day by day it becomes more advances and we all following the new learning strategies and able to make our education more effective and practical.

AI making e-learning more personalized and AI has begun new teaching and learning solutions. Using AI-powered tools, students can participate in global classrooms for which AI actively translates materials in real-time. AI allows students to learn independently through more customizable tutoring and studying support applications. Software is now able to go beyond simply reciting facts that need to be memorized for standardized tests and provide a better experience that matches the level and comfort state of the student. In real-time, various learning styles and mindsets can be taken into account, improving results significantly, and helping students to become successful. The future of AI in education is bright with dozens of potential applications that will free up time for teachers, ensure students receive the intervention support they need and allow students to learn independently in more effective ways. AI-driven software will be able to focus on specific areas where students need to improve, thereby making teaching and learning experience more learner-centric. With the help of AI, the Education system will be more effective both online and offline.

Today, in every sector we use technologies. It wouldn't be wrong to say that machines are making our tasks easier and changing our daily lifestyle. AI has the biggest impact on the economy. AI helps us in many ways to improve the economy whether in production, in proper marketing strategies, Manufacturing, or in employment. It also has a great impact on healthcare and completely changes the ways of treatments of patients. In an education system, we found the most effective way of learning and understanding with some practical experiences and live models only because of Artificial Intelligence. AI is like a blessing for us and in the coming days, we will become more advanced in the field of technology and also developed such robotics devices which will help us a lot in many ways, and surely it will bring enhancements in these sectors.  

Above you read how Artificial Intelligence changes our education system and In the future, it will bring more effective ways of learning. So if you also want to learn in more efficient ways and also want to do a course of artificial Intelligence for best job opportunities then join “Nearlearn”. Nearlearn is the best Artificial Intelligence training institute in Bangalore and also provides the best Machine Learning training in Bangalore. Here you can take both online training and classroom training. They provide the best trainers having 10+ years of industry experience in this filed which they will help you to build your career. After completion, of course, they provide placement support to their students.

For more information visit site:

Friday, May 1, 2020

The role of Artificial Intelligence in future technology

Artificial Intelligence is the technology of the future. Science Achieving a lot in the field of technology. The world is moving towards the digital economy and Artificial Intelligence will have a major effect on the global workforce.
Artificial Intelligence is the implementation of some aspects of human abilities such as capable of thinking, decision making, learning, object or speech recognition, and all other activities like we humans do. Alexa is the best example of today we can see. Actually, It is the concept of innovation in the field of technology, and day by day we all depending upon machines and make our tasks easier without any physical effort. Major AI areas such as Natural Language Processing, Speech, and objects Recognition, Robotics, Computer Vision, Machine learning, and many more, are showing exponential growth and making a big impact in various sectors such as space, health care, security, military, Agriculture, etc. AI will be bringing a new level of efficiency and complexity to revolutionary technology.

Role of Artificial Intelligence in future technology
Every day AI bringing new technologies and inventions. If we talking about the future then, it will be the biggest booming growth in the industries.  In the coming days, AI will implement in all industries and transform the industrial sectors.

Let us discuss what is the Role of Artificial Intelligence in Future technology:

We all health-conscious and we taking care of our health. if we face some health-related issue then we want the best treatment and cares. Looking at all these things, our scientists and researchers developed such technologies that provide the best treatment.
AI applications can help medical physicians deliver faster and accurate treatment by analyzing a wide variety of clinical data like demographics, patient records, recordings from medical devices, and laboratory images. If we talking about incurable diseases like cancer,  AI can help in detecting epithelial ovarian cancer in the first stage when it has a chance to cure. Whereas by a normal process, it is usually detected in the 3rd stage or the last stage, when the symptoms start appearing and chances of cure start plummeting. In the future, researchers will expect that AI will bring the ability to provide quality health care and will increase life expectancy in humans.

Agriculture sector
We all are depending on food and It is not possible for farmers to produce crops in very large quantities and increase productivity. AI technology can help farmers to increase the productivity level of the crops and can bring a new method of farming. With the help of AI, farmers will predict the crop yield and various environmental conditions such as weather changes, etc. and also it will help farmers to find more effective ways to protect the crops from weeds and prevent their crops from diseases. In farming, farmers do their more physical efforts to harvest quality crops, so it is very difficult for many farmers but In the future, without any physical efforts farmers can do their farming. Robotics devices will be used in the farming process like harvesting, irrigation, cutting, Grinding, etc.

Space Industry
Space Industries already have such advanced technologies that help scientists to explore our solar systems and also many more such advanced technologies are yet to come. But as we know our solar system is full of mystery and we only explored some parts of it and to explore more parts of the solar system, scientists need high advanced technology robotic devices that help us to know more about our solar system without any hindrance. Robotic devices will replace the astronauts, so astronauts have no need to travel on space. These Robotics devices will act like humans and travel in space and provide necessary information to our scientists and help to find new life existence in other planets.

Military Operations 
When it comes to our national security, we always stand for our Nation. AI can help us to increase the safety and security of our nations by detecting unusual activities. No doubt our army forces are so powerful but his safety is also our priority. AI will be a necessity in the future to ensure a security mission. In the future, many Robotics devices will be used in military operations like-robot will join the army forces during the war, advanced level weapons will be used, sensors for detecting unusual activities, etc. AI will be used in different areas of military operations such as surveillance, logistics, training, and many more. 

For Prediction
Today we predict the natural occurrence Disaster through satellite and able to take preventive action before the occurrence but not completely. AI can help us from an unpredictable disaster like an earthquake, volcano eruption, Tsunami, etc. and raise alert alarms before the occurrence.   

Environmental Protections
AI can be used to protect our environment from global warming, natural disaster, and other human activities. In the coming days, AI can help in greenhouse gas reduction through proper traffic control, route planning of autonomous public transport, and ride-sharing services. Through the help of AI, pollution will be controlled by implementing a pollution-free machine that will work without any fuel and gases.

Above, It is a few examples of the role of Artificial Intelligence in future technology. AI will be used in almost every sector and brings new innovations that we can’t imagine and will help us to improve our daily lifestyle and reduces our tasks and physical efforts. Every small and big industry used AI technology to enhance their business and productivity. In the future, it will be the biggest booming growth in the industry.

If you are planning to build a career in this field and want to do a course then join “Nearlearn”. Nearlearn is the best Artificial Intelligence training institute in Bangalore and also provides machine learning training in Bangalore. They provide trainers having 10+ years of industry experience and they will help you to build a career in this field and After completion, of course, they provide placement support to their students.

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How Artificial Intelligence is Reshaping IT Industry?

  As we all people are aware of Artificial Intelligence technology that how it is reshaping many industries and taking into a new era of inn...