Monday, August 31, 2020

How Artificial Intelligence can Impact Cyber Security

 As we all moving towards digitization and now many works are done through Digital medium. If we analyze then we will found that almost 65% of works are done digitally. Digital works give a lot of relaxations and it makes our work easier and efficient. Today’s modern age, where all devices are connected either to the internet or some other modes of networks and by the rising of digitalization, cybercrime is also increasing day by day. Many hackers hack companies/organization’s confidential data and charge a lot of money from those companies or organizations. 

So Many companies are focusing more on Artificial Intelligence to enhance cyber securities.

AI has impacted security by helping professionals detect network irregularities through user behavior analysis and pattern research. Security professionals can now use AI to research network data and identify vulnerabilities to avoid harmful attacks. AI acts as a tool in the cybercriminals arsenal who use Intelligence to improve and upgrade their cyber attacks.

As per the analysis report, Artificial Intelligence in the Cybersecurity market is expected to hit USD 38.2 billion by 2026 from USD 8.8 billion in 2019, at the highest CAGR of 23.3%.

AI tools can result as an effective method if applied into the blend as an essential factor in the broader security strategy layout, with useful protection against cyber threats.


So here we discuss how Artificial Intelligence can impact cybersecurity:


Faster Detection

Artificial Intelligence can allow computers to detect threats and anomalies more accurately than any human is able to do and also AI helps computers to succeed at improvisation by adapting more easily than ever before.

Artificial intelligence can accelerate the identification of authentic problems, quickly cross-referencing various security measures and wellsprings. Even now, Human digital security experts will be making approaches to the needs of the episodes to be taken care of. However, it can be additionally helped by AI frameworks which consequently recommends plans for improving reactions. 


Network Security

Security policy development and organization network topography are two important components of network security. Unfortunately, these take a tremendous amount of time and human effort to achieve and manage. Fortunately, Artificial Intelligence can automate both of these processes in any aspect. By analyzing network traffic dynamics, AI can create and suggest policies and procedures that suit your specific situation. This can save the organization by this amount of time, amount, and energy and can not be overstated. 


Phishing Detection and Prevention

Phishing is the malicious method of sending fake messages. Hackers do this all the time; they claim to be from respectable organizations or associations to either expose personal information such as passwords or install malware to victims. Phishing emails are so popular that it is assumed one out of every 99 email messages is an attempted attack. 

Fortunately, AI and machine learning play an important role in mitigating phishing attacks. These technologies can recognize and monitor over 10,000 active phishing sources, in addition to being able to respond much faster than a human. They also allow fast distinguishing between fake and valid websites. As these tools are currently being used around the world, AI's phishing campaign awareness is not limited to just one geographic area.


Powerful password protection and Secure Authentication

One of the weakest elements of security, protection has always been passwords. In fact, they are sometimes the only link between cybercrime and our identities. Biometric authentication is seen as a possible solution for the future, but it is not the most practical method to use at this time. AI can change this.

The primary way of accomplished secure verification is physically recognizable proof, where AI uses different elements to differentiate a person from each other.  For example, a mobile phone may use specific fingerprint scanners and facial recognition to allow you to sign in. The process behind this includes the primary information system that focuses on your face and fingers to determine whether the authentication is valid.

In addition, AI may examine various components to determine whether a specific client is approved to sign in to any particular device. The software explores variables such as the way you enter keys, the speed at which you write, and your error rate while typing.


Behavioral Analytics 

Another significant use of AI in cybersecurity originates from its capacity to analyze behavior.

Artificial Intelligence and machine learning can also be utilized by analyzing the patterns to develop behavioral analytics. This gives them the ability to learn how you use your computer and other smart devices. Information can include but are not limited to your favorite online platforms, regular login times, as well as your texting and browsing patterns.

If an algorithm detects suspicious behavior outside of your regular patterns, it can lock out your system from the culprit of this doubtful activities. Massive shopping spreads, delivering items to addresses other than yours, a sudden increase in file uploads or downloads, and even a shift in your typing speed can all alert AI to untrustworthy behavior.


Preventing from Online Frauds

Companies must be given the option of identifying a digital attack in advance. This is to have the option of obstructing whatever the enemies are trying to achieve. Artificial Intelligence has proven to be extremely useful in identifying digital hazards. It depends on analyzing information and recognizing a risk before misusing helplessness within the data frameworks.

AI empowers PCs to use and adjust calculations based on the knowledge received, learning from it, and recognizing the required subsequent enhancements required. In a cybersecurity environment, this would mean that AI empowers the Computer to predict hazards and detect any anomalies with much more accuracy than any human can.

Conventional innovation is very much based on past knowledge and can not extemporize in the way AI can. Customary software can't keep track of programmers' new components and tricks the way AI does. The number of digital hazards that individuals need to handle is also a lot for people. AI manages this in the best possible way.


Making Vulnerability Management Easier

Every modern business relies on information technology (IT). But it can be tough to keep your IT safe. Over 2,000 unique vulnerabilities in cybersecurity have been identified this year. Managing all these things with only humans would be practically impossible.  Fortunately, AI is opening up a simplified way. AI- and machine-based learning systems can scan for potential flaws in corporate IT systems. And by incorporating recent relevant information, such as dark web forums, hacking trends, and more, these technologies make it easy to stay on top of the latest developments in this field. Through all of these insights, you’ll not only know how your vulnerable targets may be attacked, but also not when.



Artificial Intelligence helps Cybersecurity Expert in managing moves identified with cyber threat indication and avoidance. AI can recognize cybersecurity hazards and advise the Experts to take appropriate action. As for the advanced settings, AI's job is to extend various parts of data innovation, such as Artificial Intelligence in Cyber Security, Software Testing, and Data Security.


Also Read: Use of Artificial Intelligence in Defence


So here you can see how Artificial Intelligence can impact cybersecurity and prevent from cybercrime. If you want to start your career in Artificial Intelligence and want to do a course then join “Nearlearn”. Nearlearn is the Foremost Artificial Intelligence Training Institute in Bangalore and also the best Machine Learning Training Institute. They provide highly skilled trainers having 10+ years of industry experience in these filed. They provide both online training and classroom training facilities. After completion, of course, they help you to get placement in various companies and also provide internship facilities to their students. 


For more information contact us:


Monday, August 24, 2020

Use of AI Applications in Defense

 As we all know Artificial intelligence are implementing in every sector but if we talk about our National Security then Government are Implementing new technologies for our Army to protect our country. This gives to make our country more strong and better security as compared to earlier. Artificial Intelligence plays a vital role in the defense.  

Artificial Intelligence becoming a key part of modern warfare.

AI is virtually used in every military application, and increased funding from military research agencies for research and development to develop new and advanced artificial intelligence applications is projected to drive the increased adoption of AI-driven systems in the military sector. AI is capable of bringing about major changes in the way civil and military operations are carried out.

According to a Bloomberg government analysis, the Defense Department plans to allocate $4 billion for artificial intelligence and machine learning R&D activities in fiscal 2020, a substantial increase above the level of spending in fiscal 2019.

As per MarketsandMarkets reports shows that the market size of artificial intelligence in the military is expected to reach USD 18.82 billion by 2025, at a CAGR of 14.75% between 2017 and 2025. 

The Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) has an AI-specific laboratory known as the Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Center (CAIR). For over eight months now, CAIR has been working on a project to create a Multi-Agent Robotics Framework (MARF). MARF will provide India's armed forces with an array of robots capable of working as a team, similar to what our soldiers do. Our Indian Army has already developed Wheeled Robot like Passive Suspension, Snake Robot, Legged Robot, Wall-Climbing Robot, and Robot Sentry. CAIR has also developed Network Traffic Analysis (NETRA) that can track internet traffic.It can analyze voice traffic in real-time that passes through software with keyword attack, bomb, blast, destroy, and other words.

Here are the major military applications where AI will be proving its importance over the coming years.

Military Drones for surveillance

Military units are using drones for:

  • Channel remote communication to ground troops and military bases, in both video and audio.
  • Monitor enemy movement and identify unknown areas of a war zone
  • Assist with post-war mitigation procedures by looking for missing or wounded soldiers and offering insights into a terrain recovery
  • Assistance with peace-keeping and border monitoring operations



With many military sites digitized, the information stored on those web portals must be secured. AI comes to rescue by providing cybersecurity solutions as a response to attacks on data centers and government websites by malware, phishing, and brute force.

AI applications in Defense can be extended further to the designing targeted missiles, sophisticated weapons, and intensive fighter aircraft. These applications, which require thorough research, hold the potential in the near future to revolutionize the face of the defense.


Robot soldiers for combat

While drones help protect aerial areas, robots can be deployed to assist soldiers in ground operations on the ground. Such high functionalities, autonomous robots, built with these strategic goals, bring a cutting edge to defense technology. With advancements in machine learning and robot building, scientists have succeeded in creating humanoid bipedal robots to conduct a variety of search and rescue operations, as well as assisting soldiers in combat.

Robot fleets function like soldier units and use multiple techniques to carry out collaborative armed activities. They are self-reliant, adaptable, and have their fault-tolerant systems, all of which contribute to their ability to easily and competently make and implement decisions.


Threat Monitoring and Situational Awareness

Threat monitoring & situational awareness heavily depend on Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance operations. ISR operations are used to collect and process information in order to support a variety of military activities.

While the military tactics are being continuously improved, the way information is analyzed in the bases of the army also needs to be improved. Data collected by drones and robots, while on the field of war, need to be structured and organized to make the information insightful.

Satellite imagery, terrain information, and data from multiple sensors can be used by applying deep learning, statistical analysis, and probabilistic algorithms to these data to create situational awareness.


Logistics and Transportation 

In military logistics and transportation AI is expected to play a critical role. An integral component of efficient military operations is the effective transport of goods, munitions, armaments, and troops. Integrating AI with military transport will reduce transportation costs and decrease human operational efforts. This also allows military fleets to spot anomalies easily and quickly predict component failures. Recently, the U.S. Army has partnered with IBM to use its Watson artificial intelligence platform to help Stryker combat vehicles pre-identify maintenance issues.


Warfare Platforms

Defense forces from various countries around the globe are embedding AI into weapons and other devices used on ground, maritime, airborne, and space platforms.

Using AI in these platform-based systems has allowed the development of efficient warfare systems that are less dependent on human input. This has also resulted in increased coordination and improved warfare systems efficiency, thus requiring less maintenance. Therefore, AI is expected to allow autonomous and high-speed weapons for collaborative attacks.


Target Recognization 

AI technologies are being developed to enhance target recognition accuracy in complex fighting environments. These techniques allow the defense forces to gain a detailed understanding of possible areas of operation by analyzing reports, records, news feeds, and other types of unstructured data. In addition, AI in target-recognition systems enhances these systems' ability to identify the position of their targets.

AI-enabled target recognition systems capabilities include probability-based enemy activity forecasts, analysis of weather and environmental factors, detection and flagging of possible supply line bottlenecks or vulnerabilities, assessments of mission approaches, and suggested mitigation strategies.


AI and data Information Processing

AI is especially useful for processing large quantities of data in a quick and effective manner to obtain valuable information. AI can assist in the compilation and processing of information from various databases, and in the acquisition and summation of information from different sources. This advanced analysis helps military personnel then to identify patterns and derive correlations.



It is encouraging to note that the Indian government rightly takes Artificial Intelligence very seriously and has completely recognized that AI improves military capability and also governments are providing funding to our defense sectors for developing new technologies for our military. It is not to say wrong that Artificial Intelligence plays a big role in every sector. These technologies help us in many ways and make our military more powerful and efficient. Artificial Intelligence are revolutionizing the whole sectors. With the help of AI we able to trace our enemies and able to developed new weapons and many other technologies used in military operations.

 Also Read: Use of Artificial Intelligence in Pandemic

So these are the AI Application which are using in defense. So if you want to start your career in Artificial Intelligence and wanted to develop new technologies that are helpful in our military operations and wanted to do a course then join “Nearlearn”. Nearlearn is the Foremost Artificial Intelligence training institute in Bangalore and also the best Machine Learning Training Institute. They provide highly skilled trainers having 10+ years of industry experience in these filed. They provide both online training and classroom training facilities. After completion, of course, they help you to get placement in various companies and also provide internship facilities to their students. 


For more information contact us:


Monday, August 17, 2020

Use Of Artificial Intelligence in Pandemic

Now the whole world is facing a pandemic of COVID-19 spread from Wuhan, China, and this virus are spreading day by day. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it is affecting the whole economy. These virus has reached virtually every corner of the world and the number of cases exceeding 20 million and the number of death more than 7 lakhs worldwide. It is a condition which are affecting all of us in many ways. 

With the lockdown imposed, border closures, movement limits, and other restrictions with this, people are facing a lot of difficulties, and it is becoming more and more critical day by day.

In response to this rising problem, many of these organizations and institutions are using new and creative ways to turn to AI and related technologies for help. Improving the infrastructure for surveillance, tracking and identification is high on the priority list.

A security company in the United States has announced that its AI-enhanced thermal cameras can detect fevers, while border officers at airports in Thailand are already piloting a biometric screening system using fever detecting devices.

Early warnings and alarms, prediction, and identification of disease outbreaks, real-time disease tracking worldwide, analysis and visualization of spreading patterns, prediction of infection rate and infection trend, quick decision-making to identify successful drugs, pathogens research and analysis, and drug discovery are the various roles played by Artificial Intelligence during pandemics. 

Here we discuss how the use of Artificial Intelligence in Pandemic:

Planning and Tracking

Canadian AI company named BlueDot, which developed an AI system that alerted the world to coronavirus on December 31, 2019, after the first case was detected in China. This program was designed to predict and locate infectious diseases and to track their spread. It works by combining AI with epidemiologist knowledge which determines how and where to look for evidence of emerging diseases. BlueDot analyzes over 100,000 reports in several languages every day, and then sends daily updates to clients in health care, government, industry, and public health. The alerts provide a brief synopsis of the outbreaks of anomalous diseases that have been identified by its AI system and the threats they can pose.

Early Detection and diagnosis of the Infection

AI can detect unusual symptoms and other 'red flags' rapidly and thus alert patients and health authorities. This helps to provide faster decision-making, which is very cost-effective. It helps by using algorithms to build a new diagnosis and management system for the 19 cases COVID. Artificial Intelligence is useful in the treatment of infected patients by Using medical imaging techniques such as computed tomography (CT ), magnetic resonance imaging scans of human body parts 


Monitoring the Treatment

AI can create a smart platform to automatically monitoring and forecast the spread of this virus. A neural network can also be built to remove the visual features of this disorder, and this will help to better track and manage the individuals affected. It has the potential to provide day-to-day updates of the patients and even to provide remedies for the COVID-19 pandemic to be observed.

Contact Tracking of the Individual 

AI can also determine the level of infection by this coronavirus by identifying the clusters and 'hot spots' and can successfully track the individuals' contacts and even monitor them. It can predict the future course of this disease and possibly reappearance. 

Projection of the cases and mortality 

This AI technology can monitor and forecast the existence of the virus from the data, social media, and media channels platforms, about the risks of the infection and its probable spread. This can also forecast the number of positive cases and deaths in any area.  Artificial Intelligence can help identify the most vulnerable regions, populations, and countries and take measures accordingly.


Development of Drugs and vaccines 

Artificial Intelligence is used for drug research by analyzing the available data on COVID-19.  This system is used to speed up drug testing in real-time, where normal testing takes a lot of time and thus helps to greatly speed up this process, which a person would not be able to do. This can help to identify useful drugs for treating patients with COVID-19. This has become an important tool for designing diagnostic tests and for improving vaccination. AI helps to produce vaccines and therapies much faster than normal and is also useful for clinical trials during vaccine development.

Reducing the workload of Healthcare workers

Due to a rapid and unprecedented rise in the number of patients during the COVID-19 pandemic, the workload of health care practitioners is exceptionally high. Here, AI is used to reduce health-care workers' workload. It helps in early diagnosis and providing early-stage treatment using digital approaches and science of decision making, provides the best training for students and doctors regarding this new disease. AI can impact future patient care and tackle more potential challenges that reduce the physicians' workload.


Prevention from the diseases

AI will provide updated information with the aid of real-time data analysis, which is helpful in preventing this disease. This can be used to forecast possible sites of infection during this epidemic, the proliferation of the virus, the need for beds, and healthcare professionals. AI is useful for the potential detection of viruses and illnesses, with the help of previous mentored data over data that are present at several times. This describes the features, causes, and reasons for infection spread. It would become an important tool in the future for fighting the other epidemics and pandemics. This can provide a preventive measure and able to fight many other illnesses. In the coming days, AI can play a crucial role the making healthcare more predictive and preventive.

 AI-Powered Robots

AI-powered Robot that helps in COVID-19 battle by reducing the contact between patients and healthcare workers by minimizing the risks of cross infections. For Example, using of drones and robots to distribute contactless disinfectants and spray them in public areas to minimize the risk of cross-infection. Certain robots are testing people for fever and other signs of COVID-19 and dispensing hand sanitizer foam and gel. Robots are also used to supply foods and medicines to patients disinfecting rooms so as to reduce interaction with humans.



Artificial Intelligence is an emerging and important tool for detecting early coronavirus infections and also helps in monitoring patients' conditions. AI is not only useful for the treatment of patients infected with COVID-19 but also for their proper health monitoring. It can monitor the COVID-19 crisis on numerous scales, including medical, molecular, and epidemiological applications. AI can help in the development of appropriate treatment regimens, prevention strategies, drug development, and vaccine development.

So these are the things where AI can useful in Pandemics and help in treating COVID-19.


Also Read: How Artificial Intelligence Changing the gaming Industry


Here you can see How AI is useful in every sector and if you want to boost your career in Artificial Intelligence and wanted to do a course then join “Nearlearn”. Nearlearn is the Foremost Artificial Intelligence training institute in Bangalore and also the best Machine Learning Training Institute. They provide highly skilled trainers having 10+ years of industry experience in these filed. They provide both online training and classroom training facilities. After completion, of course, they help you to get placement in various companies and also provide internship facilities to their students. 

For more information contact us:


Monday, August 10, 2020

How Artificial Intelligence Changing the Gaming Industry

In the Era of the 21st Century, we all are busy in making our life happening, joyful, Adventures, full of relaxation, etc. we all want that our life is full of relaxation so either we play games or we plan for any trip but according to research many people prefer to play games and mainly they prefer video games. Day by day the demand for Video games is increasing and developers are developing new advanced technologies games that give a realistic feel. If we talk about the Gaming Industry, It rising day by day and generating millions of dollars revenues. Earlier we all play 2D games but now it’s not like that we all mostly prefer 3D-4D games. These give a better Experience to us while playing. VR/PR technologies are also used in video games that give real experience. Our today’s generation wants advanced technology games and our gaming industry is revolutionizing day by day and Artificial Intelligence plays a vital role in this. As per the report, the video game industry revenue was $78.61 Billion in 2017, and the market is forecast to grow at a rate of 2.29% annually from 2020 and it could be worth over $90 Billion by the end of 2020.

Throughout the digital world, in a joint project with Cubic Motion, 3Lateral, Tencent, and Vicon, the trillion-dollar gaming company Epic Games developed a believable virtual human. When you look at the gaming industry 's existing AI use, you will find that AI is primarily used in two areas: saving the game design budget and improving the in-game experience.

Many video game developers are hesitant to create Advance A.I. In their games, fearing to lose control over the overall player experience. Indeed, the target of A.I. For video games, it is not a matter of constructing an unbeatable force for players to compete against, but rather of optimizing player engagement and enjoyment over long periods.

 In 1970, Atari released the first "Computer Space" video arcade game, And it wasn't until then that game designers began making their first attempt to use AI in their games. AIs were primarily designed for arcade games with the aim of ensuring that people kept feeding quarters into the game machine.

 Let us Discuss How Artificial Intelligence Revolutionizing the Gaming Industry:

 Making the Game Smarter than Ever

AI-based Voice Intelligence is already changing the way in which games are played. Those assistants support a wide variety of smart games across genres.  Recent advances, apart from hosting their own games, show their entry into console games too. The game developers' main aim in the future is to design strong structures within games. For example, design recognition and reinforcement realization will require present-day AI techniques, where the characters inside the games will self-learn from their own behavior and evolve accordingly. This has been recognized by the gaming industry and some have even begun using those ideas.

 Making Games Further Real

There have been staggering progressions in the techniques of 3D visualization, stimulations based on physics, and, more recently, the incorporation of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality into games. Such innovations have made it possible for game developers to make smarter ones.

Gamers no longer only need fantastic illustrations; they need games to take to the real world. It is a challenge for developers of games and AI is taking on a tremendous job in meeting this need. Imagine a game that can understand and respond to your actions in the game, predict your next move, and act accordingly to make it more real.

 Enhancing the Gaming Experience 

Another primary usage of AI in games is to model a human player to understand how individual players experience interaction with a game. AI needs to understand what a player is doing and how a player feels during the play.

Gamers now pay a lot of attention to detail — this not only includes the visual presentation and the very good graphics of quality but also how colorful and immersive the game is in every possible way. AI has the potential to play a critical role by bringing the gameplay experience to the next level by continuous scenario customization.

 Reshaping the skill of Developers

In addition to the skills of conventional game creation and techniques, game developers need to be equally professional with these AI techniques to make games smarter, more practical, and more intelligent.

By embracing cutting-edge technologies, the game developers have continuously been leaders by sharpening their technical skills and creativeness. Reinforcement Learning is a sub-set of Machine Learning and Deep Learning, and a case in point is the calculation behind the popular AI PC program AlphaGo, which beat the best human Go player in the world. The growing use of AI in games would mean a shift in the way games are made, also for the traditional game developers. Increasing the use of AI in games which means a change in the way in which games are created even for traditional game developers.

 Making Mobile games smarter with AI in Gaming 

Comparing the latest mobile games with those 5 years ago, and you'll see a big change in terms of the games' visual style, and how smart they have become. This is notable, however, that the computing power of mobile phone games has yet to catch up with their desktop counterparts, including the lack of a gaming console, which at this stage is beyond comparison. If it's changing the way we communicate with games, the content inside them, or the way they 're designed, it's clear that AI will continue to revolutionize the gaming industry – may be at a faster pace than it's ever done before.


Games are far more than just a source of entertainment and enjoyment. Artificial Intelligence is a great concept created by humans to make the machines, in all perspectives, act exactly like humans. There are a number of industries that have brought AI into their operations, such as the gaming industry, where the players' overall gaming experience is improved by making games more realistic, which is a great sign of development in these areas.

Also Read: How Artificial Intelligence can impact in civil Engineering

 So these are the things where you can see how Artificial Intelligence totally changing the gaming Industry. In the coming days, Artificial Intelligence creates a lot of opportunities and if you want to start a career in Artificial Intelligence and want to develop an innovative game then join “Nearlearn”. Nearlearn is the Foremost Artificial Intelligence Training Institute in Bangalore and also the best Machine Learning Training Institute. They provide highly skilled trainers having 10+ years of industry experience in these filed. They provide both online training and classroom training facilities. After completion, of course, they help you to get placement in various companies and also provide internship facilities to their students. 


         For more information contact us:



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