Sunday, November 1, 2020

Applications and use cases for Artificial Intelligence in E-commerce Industry

In today’s technological era, Artificial Intelligence is now becoming a trending technology and now implemented in every sector of business. Not only this it also help in raising the revenue of the business and helps in making for millions of profits. If you check the report then you will get that business got more than 60% of profit by the adoption of Artificial Intelligence in business. It is like a blessing for us. Every day we see a new phase of technology. With the rising of this technology, Govt also starts investing a huge amount in Artificial Intelligence to drive their country full of technologies and for rising the more employments opportunities.

If we talk about the adoption of Artificial Intelligence in business then you will get that the E-commerce industry got a huge profit from it. AI taking E-commerce industry to next level. E-commerce Industry are generating a revolution in the global market by the adoption of Artificial Intelligence and its moving steps towards rising development. For the sellers, the E-commerce industry has unlocked new opportunities and scope. Seller also has never seen such a growth in their sales. AI brings new shopping experiences for the customer and it enhances the sales and provides a better customer experience. 

 So here we discuss the Applications & Example Use cases Of AI in E-Commerce:


Customer-centric visual search

Consumers often face many problems with the experience of e-commerce because the product results showed are often irrelevant and meaningless. AI utilizes natural language processing to narrow, contextualize, and optimize search results for online shoppers to tackle this issue. It also makes it easier to identify and match items with visual search capabilities. AI also allows shoppers to discover complementary products and maximize the consumer’s experience. Now, customers can take a photo of new shoes or clothes of friends, upload it, and then AI allows customers to quickly find similar goods through e-commerce stores. Amazon has this option that allows you to point to the product what you want, and Amazon will recognize it and send you the results that you're most probably going to like because it will be exactly what you were looking for. 


Retarget Potential Customers

According to Conversica 's report, about 33% of the leads are not followed by the sales team. The sales team also fails to keep track of the most popular products and services on the market and therefore they unable to attract potential buyers interested in the product.

AI technology maintains certain consumer data and tracks the amount of time they spend on a particular thing. Taking this over data and information, Artificial Intelligence reacts to these customers' next shopping day and highlights any offers available with the previously searched products. For Example, If the customer spends a lot of time on a product i.e. clothes or shoes then this data will be saved for the customer's next visit and gives suggestions with excellent discounts and offers on that product. 


Create an Efficient sales process

artificial intelligence could help to boost the sales cycle, By tailoring the problem-solving solutions and delivering a clear promotional message that reaches customers on the right platform at the right time. There are several AI systems nowadays that allow NLP and voice input, such as Siri, Alexa, etc. This helps a CRM system to answer customer questions, fix their issues, and even identify new opportunities for the sales team. In order to collect the information and represent the customers, Customer Relationship Management relied on peoples to collect a huge amount of data. But today, artificial intelligence can predict which clients are most likely to make a purchase and how can we better engage with them.


Recommendation and personalization 

According to Forrester, 77% of customers have selected, suggested, or paid more for a brand that offers a personalized service or experience. The personalized user experience helps companies to connect with customers. In E-commerce applications,

 Personalization is typically made through recommendations. By using AI technology, Personalization and recommendations can be simplified.  In order to recognize their interest, the technology uses cognitive learning to understand user behavior within the application.  


Inventory Management and Forecasts

One of the most important fields of any organization is inventory management. You have to keep updated on how much stock you hold and how much more is expected. There are thousands of types of products on e-commerce websites.

It is an exasperating job to keep the shelves stocked, to respond to dynamic requirements, and to update the inventory manually especially during sales. 

Artificial Intelligence will simplify this job through predictive analytics, which includes data mining, machine learning, and predictive modeling to keep track of current and past evidence, In order to make futuristic predictions. This way, AI keeps admins updated without human interference about product quantity, sales, returns, demand, etc. 


AI Chatbots and Virtual Assistants

E-Commerce is now focused on better user experience. The new AI Chatbot is a powerful tool that is designed to connect with users and solve their problems with AI solutions. Chatbots contribute to the convenience of online shopping because they have learning capabilities and therefore know customer requirements and needs. They are also an efficient and affordable way to provide customer service 24/7 and collect useful data and track behavior. With chatbots, e-commerce sites can improve conversion rates by tailoring the online experience for the customer. One of the most famous examples is Amazon’s visual assistant, Alexa. 


AI Filter Fake Reviews

Reviews of the product give a big impact on sales. Before Buying any products, most of the customers see the reviews of the products, and based on that they purchase and Fake reviews give a negative impact on E-commerce products as well as online retails stores. In order to counteract this, Many E-commerce industries use AI technology to remove these fake or misleading reviews and help consumers with honest feedback on the company or product.  For example, Amazon uses Artificial Intelligence to combat fake product reviews and its popular star ratings inflation. It focuses on the prominence and verified customer purchase reviews and help to boost them.



Artificial Intelligence doesn’t mean that robots are taking over. They're not scary things; they give retailers the ability to have exactly what the customer needs when they want it. The e-commerce industry continues to grow, which means that automation is a must for a rising number of clients and has become one of its top investment priorities for e-commerce stores. The number of repetitive tasks is also rising as the eCommerce industry continues to expand. They can be taken over by robots, from publishing new goods on various platforms to scheduling promotions, offering discounts to loyal customers, etc.



Digital platforms have made life easier for sellers as well as buyers. E-commerce websites are seeing unprecedented growth in their revenues. AI has helped E-Commerce Industries in providing a better customer experience. Artificial intelligence study in the area of e-commerce also leverages e-commerce revenues.

In eCommerce, Artificial Intelligence can affect transactions, retention of customers, loyalty, productivity, and many more.  AI is changing the online way of buying and selling.

 Also Read: Top AI and Machine Learning Apps that will be usefuls for start-ups & SMEs

So these are the Applications and use cases for Artificial Intelligence in E-commerce Industry but if you want to start your career in Artificial Intelligence and want to do a course then join “Nearlearn”. Nearlearn is the Foremost Artificial Intelligence Training Institute in Bangalore and also the best Machine Learning Training Institute. They provide highly skilled trainers having 10+ years of industry experience in these filed. They provide both online training and classroom training facilities. After completion, of course, they help you to get placement in various companies and also provide internship facilities to their students.


For more information contact us:


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