Sunday, November 8, 2020

How artificial intelligence can be beneficial for us and some risks

Today, we all hear about one of the most trending technology i.e. Artificial Intelligence. Now Artificial Intelligence uses in everywhere. Without this technology and businesses is nothing. We can say that Artificial Intelligence is one of the emerging technology which try to mimic like a human in an AI system. It is a revolutionary technology that rapidly implementing in every sector and bringing new phases and innovations and also, for a long time, it has been a dream for humans to create such machines that have the capacity to make decisions on their own and act the same as humans and they successfully create machines which act as same as humans and ability to take decisions and responsesAI is the ability of a computer program to learn and think.

Artificial Intelligence is the growing technology in this technological era. As per the report,  the global Artificial Intelligence technology market revenues rising from around $10 billion to $126 billion by the year 2025.

But everyone is talking about the impact and implementation of this AI technology but many of us don’t know the actual stage of AI and what is the benefits and risks will rise in near future.   

Companies around the globe take benefits of Artificial Intelligence for their Brands. Many business leaders say that artificial intelligence will be a key part of the business landscape of the future. The advantages of this innovation are hard to doubt. Particularly when popular companies such as Google, Facebook, Amazon and Tesla are successfully implementing Artificial Intelligence. However, these AI technologies of the future bring uncertainty and doubt about the risks and benefits.

So let us discuss the benefits and risks of Artificial Intelligence:

How AI can be beneficial?  


Helping in Repetitive tasks: 

AI systems take care of all Repetitive and routine tasks, enabling resources to focus on tasks that add value to their company which serves as a game-changer for SMBs and in our daily lifestyle also, we perform so many repetitive works, such as verifying certain documents for mistakes, replying to mail, etc. Using AI technology, without repetition, we can automate these repetitive tasks and can also eliminate the tedious work for humans.


Improve Work Efficiency:

AI-powered systems are well equipped to carry out any role that humans perform. Using AI technology, marvelous work efficiency is ensured. AI machines correct human mistakes and achieve the best business outcomes. Unlike humans, machines can work round the clock without any break, and without incurring any additional cost it can perform essential tasks. For Example, Instead of hiring employees for day and night shifts of works for taking care of customer’s inquiries, Organisation deploys AI-powered chatbots to provide aid and assistance to customers with queries. 


AI takes Faster Decision:

Nowadays, Machines can takes faster decisions than humans. we can use Artificial Intelligence to make machines make decisions faster than a human and perform actions faster. Humans will Analyze while taking decisions,  but the AI-powered machines operate on what it is programmed for and produce the results more quickly. One of the biggest examples is chess games on the computer. It is impossible to beat in the hard mode and these things possible only because of the AI algorithms behind in that game.


Reduces Operational Costs: 

Artificial Intelligence uses machine learning algorithms like Deep Learning and neural networks to learn things like we humans do. AI devices that optimise their machine learning skills so that they learn about new processes much more quickly.This would make the cost of training robots much lower than that of humans. In addition, robots are now reducing the cost of operations with their high work performance and accuracy.


High accuracy in Tasks completion:

AI reduces human errors and perform any tasks with high accuracy. With Artificial Intelligence, decisions are made using a certain set of algorithms from the knowledge previously collected. So mistakes are minimized and the probability of achieving accuracy with a greater degree of precision is a possibility. Healthcare sectors take a big advantage of Artificial Intelligence. These sectors already adopted AI-based Robots and these robots reliably identify life-threatening diseases and even conduct operations to save human lives.


Improve work processes:

The advantages of using the AI-powered computer are that it enables us to collect a large amount of work-related information. This data is important to an organization's growth as it allows getting into deep insights and a detailed quantitative analysis to be carried out for further optimization. The AI-based machine-learning abilities enable their abilities to carry out self-analysis in the most efficient way possible.


How AI can be Risky?


High Cost of Creation:

On the other hand, certain limitations can be created by artificial intelligence. High-cost creation is one of the main challenges for every business. AI itself is a complex mechanism, so it takes a lot of money to build and install it in businesses. After installation, you have to require maintenance and the maintenance of the AI machine also required a high cost. 


Making Human Lazy:

Nowadays human totally depends on machines which cause less physical works of human and Artificial Intelligence makes people lazy with its app that automates most of the tasks. Human beings are likely to become addicted to these advanced technologies, which may create a problem for future generations.


Misuse can lead to severe threats:

Machines can be programmed with the intention of killing, being a threat to other nations that do not have the same technological advances. Many people can use Artificial Intelligence for threatening others not only on the ground but also technically like cyber attacks. The misuse of autonomous weapons controlled by AI could cause mass destruction. This means that if autonomous weapons are in the wrong hands then it will be a big disaster. 


Invasion of Privacy: 

With the help of Artificial Intelligence Spyer can track our privacy. For Example, With the home assistant like Alexa and Google Home listing in it to user conversation and based on this they can track our conversation and chatbots and may steal our data and information. Not only this they can also steal our private data from our devices which can lead to huge loss and destruction. 

AI-Powered devices can store and gather large amounts of users data and these AI devices can use your personal information and data without your permission which spyers and hackers can take advantage of it.




We all know that AI-powered devices helps us in many ways but every things have some merits and demerits. It give many advantage but also it has so many risks. But in coming days it will bring big revolution in every sectors and it is the biggest booming technology. Also as per the recent news, Microsoft and AICTE have partnered to empower students and educators in new-age technologies, and this technology including Artificial Intelligence, IoT, cloud computing, etc. So you can predict the rising demand for this technology in near future. 

 Also Read: Applications and use cases for Artificial Intelligence in E-commerce Industry

So these are the benefits and risks of Artificial Intelligence but if you want to start your career in Artificial Intelligence and want to do a course then join “Nearlearn”. Nearlearn is the Foremost Artificial Intelligence Training Institute in Bangalore and also the best Machine Learning Training Institute. They provide highly skilled trainers having 10+ years of industry experience in these filed. They provide both online training and classroom training facilities. After completion, of course, they help you to get placement in various companies and also provide internship facilities to their students.


For more information contact us:


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